The truth about the streets

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This is the story of the streets. The truth about them and the only thing you can get of them. In P.R there was a young kid. He was part of a normal family. This family wasn't perfect but it was what it was. One day Jason Rodriguez, the younger boy of two, was abandon by his father. The little kid suffered a lot. After this happened the boy grew up without his father and started getting older. The mother of the two kids decided to search for a better life, so she decided to move to New York, in the year 2006. And this way is how this story began.

After they got to New York, all was going great, but it was too good to be true. The brother of Jason was diagnosed with lung cancer. The family had enough money to maintain their self's, but not enough to get the medical treatment that Jason's brother needed. Jason and his mother were devastated, and they couldn't believe what was happening. Jason woke up all the days feeling worst, and knowing that it could be the last day of his brother. Jason decided that he couldn't wait doing nothing wen his brother was dying. For days Jason tried to find a job, but with no previous preparation it wasn't easy to find a good job. And the others will not give him enough money to save his brother. Jason was getting extremely desperate and crazy because he couldn't find a way to help his brother.

It had passed one month since Jason brother was diagnosed. Jason is getting crazier each day that pass by that he can't do anything for his brother. He is not letting his brother die, so he decided to join a gang. He started going out to the streets, and met Thomas, aka Diablo. This gang boss is not an ordinary one. Well, he isn't called Diablo for nothing. Jason Rodriguez started selling drugs and started getting into problems. But he was helping his brother with his condition. In a normal day of sealing drugs, a fight against two gangs occurred involving Jason's gang and other rival gang. People from each gang died and some innocents to. When he went home to see if his family was ok he found out that both, his brother and mother were dead. All that he had worked for was gone. Also he had lost the ones he loved and cared about. Days have passed since Jason's mother and brother died. He was feeling worse than ever, even worst that when his father left him or when his brother was diagnosed. Now the problems are even worst because he doesn't know how to leave the gang without being killed. Each day that passes by makes Jason feel even worst, he doesn't think that he had a meaning in life.

It had been one year since Jason's brother and mother died. He is just insanely crazy and he can't stop thinking about how to get off the streets. With all these problems happening Jason, had realized that the real problem wasn't the disease of his brother, if not the real problem was himself. His brother was ready to die but Jason didn't want to leave his family like his father did when he was young. He had seen the real problem but it was late. His battle against himself caused the death of his brother and mother. He didn't have anything to lose so he decided to leave the gang, and surprisingly Diablo let Jason leave the gang.

It has passed two years since Jason left the gang. He has a girlfriend and a son. He found a job and he is living his life in a good way. But he forgot that when you get in gangs you never get out. He was one day whit his family when out of nowhere cars arrived and started shooting at his house. Jason saw his son and girlfriend died and after that he got a shot that finished his life. This is the truth, the truth he couldn't escape.

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