Chapter 1

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I ran into the deep dark woods, away from my kidnappers. I wish I can scream for help, but I am in the woods. No one can hear me. I looked be hind me see anyon was following me. I suddenly trip. Darkness. I saw my Parents giving me away. Finally I woke up. My name is Jamine Moon, just a four year old, I can see what happens to people in the futer and see what did happen to them in their dark past. I looked around. My hair was white as snow. I stared to brush myself off then I hear a rustle. snap, snap. I was scared. I look for something to hide in. then a snap behind me. Turning I see a dog. A Golden retriever. The dog came up to me and looked at me telling me to sit down. I did. It was so wierd. I felt like I could understan dog like they are talking to me. I ask "What is your name?" "I don't have one." The dog said, a boy dog. "Can I give you one?" I ask him. "why not? I hate being called 'dog'." "uumm... I'll think about it." I said. What is a good name for a dog? I'll figure ir out. I looked at the sky. It was getting dark. I decided to build shelter. And so I did. Twigs, branches, leaves and mud. It took a long time. I suddenly realize the dog was gone. I sat a few minutes, waiting for him. He got back with a mouse in his mouth. He dropped it in my lap. "This was all I could find." He said. "God bless you beautiful dog... How am I going to make a fire?" I thought for a moment. I build a fire place. and when I set it up, a fire started! I was so happy. The dog barked with glee. The gloden shimmer so proudly. He was bright as the sun. Apollo. Apollo will be his name. "Apollo." "The dog stopped. He new that was his name. "Apollo will be your name." He barked and jumped on me. I laugh. Hugging my sweet Apollo. This felt like forever. We cooked up the mouse. I split it in two. It wasn't much but it was the best Apollo could get. We finally settal for the night. Apollo laid on my lap. And we had a good rest.


I wake up from a terrible nightmare. I scream really loud. Apollo thought It was bad people so he stared to bark. "SHHHH" I said. Apollo bow his head down a shame. "I thought you were in trouble." "It is not your fault... We need to get moving. They'll find us. We both got up and started running. Dawn rose into the sky as we ran. I trip agian, I am too clumsy. The worst thing is that I twist my ankle and I couldn't run. "Get on my back!" Apollo barked. I nod and hopped one. He ran real fast. It felt like hours tell we find a stream. "water!" Apollo and I say. I got off apollo and start lapping the water. I finnaly got done. "We'll set up camp here till tomorrow." I say. Apollo nods at me and ran off to find food. I did the same hut as last time. I build it up. make a fire. Magicaly start it agian. I waited for Apollo. It took Apollo a long time to get back. Oh gezz. HE CAUGHT A DEER!?! "Hello jasmine. we got luck today. I ran over and as I kneel down something poke me. I Knife. Made with maple wood. Sharper then any other knife. I cut the deer open and took out the thing we can eat. Meat, heart, and liver. I cooked the meat for Apollo, Then me. Lunch was tasty. After awile Apollo And I sat on the ground. I wonder why Apollo was in the woods in the first palce. I close my eyes and touch him.

Apollo's past------

Fourteen Puppies born. One Puppy was an extra. "Honey, we have too many puppies." A women voice said. "Mikayla. I Know. I have a plan. when The extra is an year old, we'll throw him in the woods." A deep man voice said. "I love the plan... what about the rest?" "we will give them up for adoption hen they are a month old." "HA ha." 

Year Later------

"we are going to hunt extra." The man said. "Woof! Woof!" Apollo said happily. "You go over there." The man said. Apollo did as he command. The terrible man Jumped into the car and drove off. Apollo ran after it. "MASTER! wait! Wait.... wait." Apollo said. HE sat thre waiting for his master to come.

Present day------

I open my eyes. I turn to see Apollo looking at the sun. I hug him So tight. "I'm So Sorry what happen to you! I cried. Apollo turn and licked me. "It wasn't your fault Jamine." Apollo said. I cried for a long time, wondering if we will be safe.


So.... I hope you guys liked it. If You don't then give me advice chappie 2 will probably came out tomorrow

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