Chemical Wasteland

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The Beggining 

I was in my my room when the first shell hit,going on my regular rutine,nothing specail.being a regular day and getting inside before the mandatory 6 pm curfue,being under marshal law and all.Oh,i forgot to say,were in the middle of a war.A big war,between the allied ntions of the north agianst the southern republic,were rules are mere suggestions and lifes are wasted like pennys in a wishing well.Being 16 i narrowly avoided the 17.5 year old draft to do into the cental battle line and fight as a ground unit.But back to The Strike.laying on my bed,playing Minecraft,listining to Muse,talking to Kat,with the quite buzz of a radio in the background.Ingrossed in my game i handnt relized the 3 long buzzes ont the radio nor the sirens blaring there warning.nor my parents slamming on my door teling me to get to the shelter,and not even the fleet of jets flying over my home town dropping an aresonal of chemicle weapons and laying waste what was my was only when the first shell hit that i looked away at my thing i know the whole world is shaking as as thousands of bombs containing a chemical known as "Lidoiter" crash into the earth.i jump off my bed throw it asside and open the hatch leading to the nucluear shelter below,i almost jump in when i smell the sweet odour of lidoiter,i jump away holding my breath and run to the glass box in the hall and throw on a gass face turns white as i relize i was the one who had to open the C.A.P. supplies.this means no one else in my family has one.if you havent connected the dots by now,its April 4th 2021 at 7:12 family is dead,my home town is in runes,and i only have 12 hours of oxegen left in my chemical agent pretection name is Axeon Ikea,and this is where my world ends and my story begins.

Ashwood Park

the signiture blue gas from the chemcile weapons left a have in the sky,but was like a light fog.i fall on the ground about to puke my guts up at the thought of the loss.the jandscape of what use to be Ashwood is now riddled with craters.theres no way they could have survived this,so how did i?as i take another step out of our basement i see that that is all the remains of my home.a pile of rubble with a door in the ground.i run back down to the basement and get some supplies from the weapons keep.i suppose i should mention somthing about the Lidoiter gas,in the year 2013 it was invented as a medicine to treat brain cancer,adhd,alztimers,any many mental disorders.unfortunantly it mutated and was weponized in a desert plant formally know as syria,which is now known ast the nucluer wasteland.after samples of the weponized chemicle were taken,the country faces a nuclear strike to dissable northern econmy,simalar tactics at what happened here.dropped from the sky with high powered explosives to activate the weapons need for 3000 degrees oxegen,it first vaporizes and clouds the sky.when entering the human body an immidate shut off code is sent to the brain causing almost insant death,simmilar effects in animal and plant life,which is why Ashwood and probly most of illinios is now laid waste.the attack was on the agricultural economy,if we cant feed an army,we cant fight,which is why we were targeted.i come out of the keep with a few bottles of water and all the canned goods i could find in a large digital cammo bag,and head off.the firsth thing i need to do is find a larger source of oxygen,my mask says on the screen i have 10 hours and 47 minutes of oxygen laft on my resperator,after that ill need a new filter,or ill end up like the bodys that litter the streets.i begin my treck,following orders given to us in the case of signs of communacations are coming in,the whole place is a dead zone.i scan the streets as i jog down the remains of Morgan Road,which i quickly regret.if you dint know anybetter you would think that the people in there yards or an the road are asleep,but the affects are far more fatal.there hair stained blue and a light tint on there skin makes there body look cold in the early april air.5 miles down now,i enter the remains of ashwood park.i pass by,shocked by the this was ground zero.this is where the bomb hit.melted sand and massive fires prove it to be a bad short cut,so i take the long way around after about 3 hours i finally get to where im going.the courthouse.a massive marbel building with steep stone steps leading to a huge archway with sealed steel doors.i life the bar,open the doors and walk in.the emergancy lights are on,with the briight red flashes of light illumnating my way through the coradoor when i hear footsteps..."Hello?"i hear wimpering coming from down the hall.i take off running after the sound and at the end of the hallway on the stairs sits our hand on his head the other on .45 pistol."Im such a coward" he cries as he looks up at me.then takes the weapon and points it at me,i scream and he sobs as he turn the weapon on him self,and through his gracked mask i see the blue tears running down his face as he said"Im so sorry".the muzzle flashes and his head explose with the impact of the bullet.why did i have to live to see this?i pick up the pistol out of his hand and put it in my bag.never know when you may need one.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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