Spider Legacy

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There was a very brave spider. She was always in different adventures every day. One day, another spider told her that in San Juan is where all the wonderful things happen. The spider was curious of what she could find so she decided to go. She walked a lot to get to there, in the trip she saw awesome things and discovered new places in the way. When the spider got to San Juan she started to feel sick because she was pregnant. So she decided to go to the tallest lamppost to give birth. The spider knew she wasn't going to be able to accomplish her dream so before giving birth she decided to write a letter to her future daughter.

The day came and the spider gave birth and the sky was full of spiders flying to their new home. All the spiders and the letter went to the other side of the street, but the girl spider stayed stock on the lamppost. When the spider opened her eyes she was by herself. Her mother was dying so the little spider went to her and her mom said "do not pass to the other side of the street, stay here until your brothers come". The spider did as her mother said and stayed for years in the lamppost scared of the street.

One day two of her brothers returned and saw the spider, but she was in the other side of the dangerous street. They decided to cross the street and bring her back to the family. The spider saw them and told them to go away because she was hurt that it took them so long to come for her. Half way there, of the brothers remembered the letter from their mom to his sister so he went running back to get it and in all that fighting he didn't notice the car right in front of him. The car ran over the spider who went for the letter, when the other two spiders saw him they got to him as fast as they could, they saw the letter next to the spider and her brother gave it to his sister. In the letter, where all the adventures her mom lived in her life, at the end it said how her mother wanted her go and live her adventures like the one she wasn't able to accomplished. All the anger she felt against her family immediately went away while reading the letter and the spider decided to go with her family and finish her mom's dream and her owns.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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