Chapter #1// A new Beggining

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Hey, my name is Emileah, but people call me Emmi. I'm 14, 5'11, and I have waved black hair and green eyes.
**************************************************************************************************************** "Wake up kiddo, it's your first day at your new school!" my mom shakes my shoulder furiously.
I shot up and glared at my mom.
"Don't bring this up. Not again. I hate school and don't wanna go, now can I please go to bed again?" I mumbled throwing one of my pillows at my mom and muffling my face with the others. My mom left and I locked the door. I went to my closet and put on some black leggings and a white tshirt with a maroon scarf. Where we moved its pretty cold so I grabbed a grey cardigan to go with. My hair is usually pretty frizzy so I just tied it up into a pretty messy bun. I then brush my teeth and wash my face. For my makeup I applied some foundation, mascara, eye liner, and Chapstick. When i walked downstairs I see my mom stressing out on the phone again, and my baby sister in her crib fast asleep. My step dad was beside her in his 'man chair' drinking coffee and reading the paper. Looks like they're all settling in well.
"There's some bacon and pancakes for you on the counter sweetie" my mother soothes quietly through the phone. When I finished chomping down on my food I grabbed my bag and went to my step dad.
"Can you drive me, moms on the phone probably for work"
"Sorry, I need to watch your sister, moms working today and I need to bring Annabelle to daycare. How bout tomorrow?"
I mumbled yes furiously and walk out to the bus, which I really hate taking. When we finally arrive I walk straight to the office and grab my schedule.
"First class, science... Great" I whisper just loud enough for only me to here. Apparently it wasn't that quiet since some girl apparently heard me.
"OMG are you Emileah?! Hey I'm Brooklynn but you can call me brooke or Lynn!! I heard you have science first period, so do I!! Cmon I can show you there" she squeals taking my hand.
She has straight pink hair and very little makeup. She seems around 5'7 and wears light jeans with a PINK VS black hoodie. She leads me into a big lab with lots of tables and chairs.
"Here come sit with me. I usually sit with my boyfriend Zach but I wanna sit with you today" she chirped.
"Can I ask you a question?" I ask shyly.
"Of course ask me anything!"
"How did you know my name?" I murmur looking down frankly quiet scared of her answer.
"Oh haha everyone knows your name!!! It's such a small town that the news spreads around pretty fast" she smiles.
I look at the teacher and pull out my notebook and pencil. The rest of the day goes by really slow. We finish class, eat lunch, finish more classes, and go home. It turns out me and Brooklynn have 3 classes together. Science, math, and gym. As I'm walking out towards the door to wait for either my mom or stepdad, Brooklynn comes running up to me and has some men behind her.
"Emileah! This is my boyfriend Zach, Zach this is my new friend aka the new girl Emileah!!! Oh how could I forget, that's Matt over there he's our friend. Wanna come hang with us we're going to Starbucks" she squeals jumping up and down.
Since I dearly love Starbucks I couldn't help but say yes. Matts mom drove us there in her car, and told Matt to text her when we were done. I texted my mom to tell her I would be home a little later today.
I ordered a tall passion tea have sweetened with lemonade, and we sat and talked. I learned these people our super popular from what it sounds like, and have a bunch of friends in there group. Matts single, and also has a younger sibling. My mom and dad divorced when i was seven and they both remarried when I was 10. My mom and stepdad had a baby two months ago and her name is Annabelle. My dad and stepmom have has two kids together named Aria (2) and Camryn (1 month). It was around 5:30 when we decided to go home. Matts mom dropped us each off at home. I was pretty tired so I decided to take a bath and head to bed early since I had to get up at 6 for picture day tomorrow. My family was eating so I just hugged my mom said high fived my stepdad. The day was fun, but I still don't like this school...

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