It started out a normal day in Arkham. Maniacs were yelling, people attempted escape, sessions and more yells yada-yada-yada. Derrick was the only one of the brothers in Arkham. He was in a session with his long time therapist. He never had any problems with her. He always cooperated not wanting to get into trouble there yet.
"So Mr.Watson..I see you still have trouble with the thing right?" His therapist once asked him.
"I'm not having much trouble with it as much as I used to..but I still have a little trouble." Derrick replied.
He was always calm and quiet but always aggravated by the loss of his wife and daughter.
"Your gonna get through this. I'm gonna make sure of it!" His therapist gave reassurance.
He never gave up on Derrick even when he had problems at times with others speaking on it. At Belle Reve his other brothers sat it different cells. Blake, one of the brothers, sat in a cold white cell with no chairs and no bed. The guards always gave him appliances to help with his powers of the control of Electricity and energy. He never really talked to anybody but his brother Elijah, who sat in a cell a far away from Blake's. Elijah could somewhat use magic and such to help out his dull life. He had a bed made up of his own force of energy and usually would make loud noises from the energy he was transmitting. Another one of the brothers were Layne. He was the psychotic and crazy one due to the change in his life cause by Batman. He would usually sit in a electric fence cage that would hold him back from any escape with a straight jacket on, but they would let him workout alone in a thick concrete gym. The last brother Wyatt, was a free spirited ghost. That never interacted with his brothers after the death of their sister... and the death of himself of course. There were to other inmates that were affiliated with the brothers, one that's worth talking about was Jacob Miles. Jacob was an orphan but soon escape the orphanage they kept him in with Selina Kyle. Long story short he was a thief, but 'died' in a heist. He was brought back by the Lazurus Pit and trained under Talia Al Ghul, and soon became her short love interest. Jacob went solo for a while and then was soon labeled as one of the deadliest and quietest Assassins in the world. The other inmate was Doctor Johnathan Frost Mirkoff, a cryonic scientist who worked at Wayne Corp with Thomas Watson in finding a solution to Cryonics. He was working one night on a temperature cable that had been disconnected, but when he reconnected it, the cryo chamber started to overload, and freeze the cables, also freezing a portion of Jonathon's body. He fell down into the vat of the mixed snow and nitrogen below and was left to freeze for a few nights. Somehow he was able to survive and was soon walking the streets of Gotham, but the Batman got to him, taking him in. They basically did this same routine every day since last year of December and do nothing ever much until Amanda Waller heard about them being locked up. She started to grow interest in them and wanted to recruit them so they could fight along side the Suicide Squad. She met up with some men at a bar and waited for them while she drunk some wine. When they arrived they sat in the back to discuss business."Since we were so pleased with our last group of people I thought, Why stop there?" Amanda begun the conversation.
"Amanda we were lucky the last group of bad guys accomplished the mission so we thought without you and made up our decision to not recruit more bad guys to the group." The Chief replied with a disgusted look on his face.
"I wasn't asking for new recruits to the Suicide Squad, I was demanding for a new team of Super Baddies."
"Sounds tempting Amanda, but I'm never gonna be sure with you."
"It'll go just like last time, only not as bad as last time."
"I'll hear it out then..."
Amanda got out a briefcase then unlocked it with a key that was around her neck. She pulled out 4 files and began reading them all to the men.
Terror Attack Trap
ActionWhat do ya get when you have a Psychotic Gangbanging WereWolf, a Cool Electric Monster, a Laid Back Magic Star Wars fan, an Irritated Lonely Rough Secret Agent, A Giant Snowman, an Assassin, and a Dead Undead Ruler? The Most Craziest Team in all of...