Tenga X Nico(with there kids)

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Not to long ago tenga and Nico had just go married and six to nine months ago nick had told tenga that she was pregnant and that made him so happy but now has a three kids two girls and one boy the girls were twins.


Loiz: she is one of the twins and she has hot pink hair like her father but she has short hair that is curly and she has purple eyes like her mother and she has a nice and sweet personality but she has the anger and recklessness of her father. She also has the strength of her dad and always looks after her twin no matter how much she gets hurt. she wears the same clothes as her twin laiz. She speaks in third person.

Laiz: she is the other twin she has orange hair that is also short and curly and has hazel eyes like her father,she has her mom's cuteness and her happiness. She has a the same personality like her twin loiz but she is more oblivious about certain things. She wears the same clothes as her twin loiz.She speaks in third person.

Inzuma: the boy and older then both of his sisters he has dark red hair and has dark purple eyes and more mature then them and he wears rectangle blue glasses and has his dad mature side but he still can be fun and he doesn't so a lot of emotion and he loves sweets he would eat them all day if he could. He always wants to make sure his sisters are safe so he a bit clingy.


It was a beautiful day and the twins were playing around in there room and inzuma was eating sweets in his room,the girls are now six years old and inzuma is only one number higher then them,tenga and Nico were just watching TV together."laiz thinks we need one more princess for our tea party"laiz said to her twin,"loiz agrees with sister laiz"and then they both nodded with agreement" but who can we find to be the third princess?" Laiz questioned her sister"we can ask our brother inzuma-kun cause daddy and mommy are watching TV"loiz responds to her sisters question"laiz-chan thinks that her sister loiz-chan is a genius"they both get up and go to there brothers room and knocked on the door,inzuma had put his sweets to the side and opens his room door and looks at them"hello..."he said with an emotionless face, the twins just smiled"will you please play with us and be our third princess at our tea party?"they both said at the same time.

"No"he said quickly and closed his door,the twins knocked again and he opens it again"please~"they both did a whining beg,the brother stand there silent for a moment"will there be sweets?" The sisters eyes sparkled"yes!" They both smiled,"so will you come play with Loiz-chan and Laiz-chan?" She said waiting for his answer. The brother looked at both of them with his dark purple eyes and nods,"yay!"both of the sister yelled and dragged there brother to there room and dressed him up to look like a girl and they continue there tea party,"kids?" There mom said as she walked in there room to see what was going on,"hello mother"the siblings said. "What's going on?" She ask with a smile on her face,"loiz-chan and laiz-chan are having a tea party....I only came for he sweets.."the brother said with no emotion at all on his face and pushes his glasses up was dressed as a princess, Nico gasped"and you didn't invite me?!" She said kinda loud the twins looked at her"sorry mother you were with dad so we didn't want to get in the way"they said at the same time but he mother just smiled and sat down with them and joined the fun."hey what's going on here?"tenga said and at the door,Nico smiled"hello dear" she said with kindness and happiness"we are just having a tea party" she said smiling.

One twin grabbed one of her dad's arm and the other twin grabbed the other arm"come joined us daddy"they both smiled and said at the same time,tenga had hesitated a little but then shrug to himself"eh what the heck sure"he said smiling and sat down with his family. The family had a fun time playing tea party together and they were all smiling even the brother was smiling.

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