Busmate's brother

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Today we were in the school bus, and today me and my sister were last to go home, so we waited the whole trip for the rest to go home. 

Suddenly, my busmate, Dana, was her turn to get down the bus (a.k.a., go home) and suddenly...

Her 'handsome-somewhat-only' brother came out to fetch him.

I was like 'omg' and I faced my sister with her friends and I was like 'he's so cute' and she was like 'what'.

The following day, I told about it to Alex, and she was like "OMG. YOU LIKE HIM!"

"No I do not," I replied. "He just looks good-looking."

"Mrs. S----" 


And the whole day Alex kept teasing me about it, saying Mrs. *insert any last name for Dana's brother*, which made me say no the whole time and tell her to stop from saying it.

*sighs*, Alex.

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