Oh. Shit. I Think I'm In Love With My Ex...

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Oh. Shit. I Think I'm In Love With My Ex... by: Heart_Break


There a two words in the human language that I know to be the most devastating of all when used together. Those words would be 'Oh' and 'Shit'. Those two words, when used together become a disastrous combination that can mean a verity of things.

Usually, none of them are good.

Here are a few examples that 'Oh Shit.' can mean:

1.) Your ex boyfriend has just walked in.

2.) Your ex boyfriend has just walked in... kissing another girl.

And yes, 'Oh shit.' can mean even the deadly:

3.) Your CURRENT boyfriend has just walked in... kissing another girl.

Oh, and incase you're wondering, I HAVE experienced all of those examples, in order 3,1,2.

His name was Malcolm Fern. He was handsome, sweet, kind, and my boyfriend since the 2nd grade, when asked me out under the little grove of cherry trees on our school playground.

That all changed when he was caught kissing my now ex best friend Kathy Rowan under the bleachers freshmen year of high school.

Oh, and I think the ex in 'now ex best friend' is self-explanatory after what she did.

I was devastated, hurt, and couldn't believe the boy I loved so much had changed, and that he had done that with my (ex) best friend... though I heard from Sandy Till (who is now my current best friend) that she didn't really complain.

So, I did the only thing I could do and dumped him. I never took another boyfriend after that, what Malcolm did had messed me up bad.

I got all twitchy whenever he walked into a room with his new flavor of the week, and I couldn't stand be near him for more than a few minutes.

And even though I got asked out a couple times I never said yes, just because I was worried that they would turn out like Malcolm.

But this year, the start of my junior year of high school, would be different.

At least, that's what I swore to myself as I applied makeup to my few blemishes on my olive skin, and a dabbed a bit of black eyeliner around the edges of my bright green eyes on this bright cheery Monday morning.

I swept my auburn hair into a ponytail, and grabbed my backpack off my queen-sized bed.

This year was going to be different I told myself. I was going to date. I was going to go out my friends. And most importantly I was NOT going let Malcolm Fern or Kathy Rowan get to me.

I was going to be a whole new girl, a whole new person.

A whole new Mattie Tippado.

Little did I know how much trouble that single promise was going to cause me.



That's all I have right now, but there will be more!

What do you guys think?

Any opinions?

Well, until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2010 ⏰

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