If you wanna listen to my spoken word of this- feel free: https://soundcloud.com/becca-soper/the-void
I'm tired of drifting in an endless sea, rising and falling below the waves as they fill my lungs up with tainted water while leaving the rest of me empty.
I wave my hands in desperation at a vast dark sky for someone to grab them and pull me out, but the hands do not come. I instead grasp at the waves but they seep through my fists.
But I know you guys are out here, floating in this void with me. I can hear your distant pleas for help- they match my own. Those outside the void cannot hear our shouting, our screaming- but I hear you.
Keep screaming! Keep grasping at the water! We're all desperately treading dark water, trying to keep it out of our lungs.
But let's swims instead, towards each others distant cries. We can grasp each other's hands- we can stay warm in this endless, freezing water. We can keep our heads above the relentless waves.
The people outside of the void cannot fathom the void- but I hear you, you not only fathom it- you're trapped here with me.But we're so tired.
I'm so tired.