Chapter One: Human

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                                                                          KEYLER POV

"Keyler welcome. How are you doing today?" Michael the bouncer at Summer Bar and restaurant where I work at greeted me.

" I am very fine Michael and you?"

"I am very fine too Keyler. Mr Whales have been looking for you"

"Than you Michael, I will change and then head straight to his office and see him"

"It is okay Keyler have fun at work."

"Thank you Michael you too have fun work."

I am Keyler Jones a total orphan from New york City. My mother died while giving birth to me while for my father I do not know him either since I have never met him and I do not ever want to meet him. I hate him so much for leaving my mother when he found out my mother was pregnant with me. I have been living in Child Aid Children's Home since I was a toddler. Mrs. Williams the caretaker of the orphanage is the one who gave me a little detail about my mother and took care of me until I turned twenty two. Life growing up was not easy. Children at school often laughed at me for not having parents. I felt bad about it and would cry while I was alone but my friends Samantha and Raymond would make me feel loved and accepted. Raymond and I lived in the same orphanage while Samantha lived with her parents. I loved them both so much and would share a lot with them until I found Samantha cheating on me with my boyfriend. Since then I trusted no female specie.

After graduating from high school at the age of 18, I stayed with Mrs. Williams at the orphanage helping her with the kids until I turned the age of 22 then moved to Boston. I used some of the money Mrs. Williams gave me to get myself a two bed roomed apartment and some house holds. I am currently working two jobs a day in order to pay my bills and for food.

I knocked the door gently and waited for Mr. Whales to respond.  " come in." came Mr. whales voice .

"Hi Keyler how are you today?"

"Hi Mr. Whales I am very fine and you?"

"I am also fine Keyler please have a seat."

"Thank you Sir. I have been told you were looking for me."

"Yes Keyler Samora is sick and will not come to work today so I was requesting if you could handle your tables and those at the VIP section."

"No problem Mr. Whales I will do that."

"Thank you Keyler. Come and see me after work and you may leave now."

One thing I have learned during my period of working at Summer Lounge is never to argue with Mr. Whales but to do your work according to his instructions. After the dismissal, I stand up and walk away feeling exhausted though I still have to work.

"Hi Miranda." I greeted Miranda the bar attender as I walked to get orders from my tables.

"Hi Keyler how are you today? Heard you have to take orders from Samora's tables."

"Yes Miranda. I feel like today is not a good day for me but I will just do it because I have to pay bills."

She laughs. "Yeah but you will be okay, the shift will be over in no time an you will go home and rest plus you are a very hardworking woman I admire you for that."

"Thank you Miranda I need to go before the boss comes after me. See you around."

"See ya"

I walk to my tables and get them their drinks then walk to VIP section. One thing I don't like with these rich people is that they are too full of themselves and really look down upon poor people like that. I walk straight to the first table to take orders and I find a couple kissing. I clear my throat to get their orders but the lady just looks at me like some piece of sheet.

"Excuse me may I please take your orders?"

"Did you just have to interrupt us you piece of shit. Can't you see we are busy? Came the voice of the lady who had a dress way too short for her body. It barely covered her breasts.

"Calm down Camilla you do not have to do that the lady here is just doing her job. Came the man's voice.

"We will have a bottle of red wine. The best that you people sell here." Spoke the man

"Its okay Sir. I am on it."

"Call me Nathaniel."

"Okay Nathaniel I will get you your drink right away".

As I walked down the counter to get their drinks, I felt Camilla or whatever her name is sending daggers at me but I kept cool because I did not want to loose my job.

"Here is your drink Sir. Enjoy yourselves."

I had turned to walk away but Camilla's voice caught my attention. "And where do you think you are heading to you piece of shit. Is this drink going to pour itself into these wine glasses?

"Sorry Ma I am on it" I saw Nathaniel intensely watching me pour the drinks while sending daggers at Camilla.

"Be sorry for yourself."

I was very uncomfortable with how Nathaniel was staring at me and so I did my best not to spill a drink on anyone but luck was not on my side today because I spilled the drink on Camilla's dress by mistake.

She raised her hand and slapped me. I felt tears falling down on my cheeks. I have never been humiliated like this. Everyone was staring at our direction and I wished the ground could just disappear with me for some time.

"You piece of shit did you have to pour the drink on me? Do you know how much this dress costs? Did your mother not raise you to be careful?"

I was speechless and clearly I was hurt. I hated anyone talking about my late mother and so I did the wisest thing and walked into the washroom. I stayed there and cried until I heard a knock at the door.

"Oh my God Kay what happened?"

"I looked at Miranda and just cried. I was too tired to respond."

"I am sorry Sweetie but you should not be this soft. You should have fought back. It was a mistake but don't worry I will help you tonight. You can serve at the bar I will do your tables."

"Thank you Mia I appreciate. You are the best friend I wished I had."

She giggles. "It is okay Ky we can still be friends."

"Thank you Mia you are the best."

"I know right." We hug each other and walk to the counter as Miranda walks to the VIP section to get the remaining orders. Finally my shift comes to and end and I walk to Mr Whales office. He apologizes for the earlier incident and hands me one thousand dollars. I say goodbye to him and walk to Miranda and tells her goodbye too.

I arrive home at two, takes a quick bath, eats something and gets to bed because I have an early morning.

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