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"IT'S READY DAMN IT!" The argument echoed through the halls.

"No, it's not! We need to run more tests before we make any assumptions about this projects ability!"

"Listen, I put all my life into this and I'm saying it's ready! Got that you bitch?!"

"No. And you aren't staying up all night testing with chemicals that might kill you, you aren't going back to step one every time something goes wrong, and you aren't stuck in a the same fucking lab coat for several weeks just 'cause some impatient general won't let us leave!"

". . ."

"No words? Good. You are dismissed."

The general left. Not even seconds after the door shut, the scientist ran to the back of the laboratory and opened a secret trapdoor. He then stepped down a ladder to what looked like a prison chamber. There was a long hallway with rows upon rows of jail cells. Each one had a human skeleton in it, none less of a child's and several blood splats. As he walked down the hallway, each skeleton got less and less decomposed until there were just bodies of dead children. At the end of the corridor was a metal door. He slowly opened the door.

"Don't worry about him. Soon, when you're ready, I'll run the world. And then you can be my accomplice." He spoke to a little girl strapped to a chair from head to tow. She tried to scream but it was muffled by a piece of tape covering her mouth.

"August 18 . . . ."

August 18 . . . .

August 18 . . . .

August 18 . . . .

August . . . .

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