Chapter 1

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Hello :) As I said before, this is my new fanfic which is about Niall being the teacher and Liam is the student :) So I hope you enjoy! I'll try to update as much as possible!

Niall's P.O.V

It's my first day at Wolverhampton High and two people have already asked me am I a new student here. I know I'm young but do they really think I'm a student? I'm 24 but I guess you could say I'm pretty young looking. Block E, Room 15. I look around to see exactly where I am right now because I have absolutely no idea. I see a notice board and decide I should go over to check to see if it tells where I am. Block D. Great, where the hell is Block E then? "Lost?" I hear a voice beside me, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I look to see a boy, with brown curly hair and chocolate eyes. "Oh, um yeah actually. Do you know where Block E would be?" I politely ask him. "Oh, I'm going there, I'll show you the way if you want" He says, giving me a small smile. "Oh thanks" I say before walking beside him

"I'm Liam byway" he says, sending me a small smile. Liam. What a nice name. " Oh sorry " I say snapping back into reality, realizing he's waiting for me to introduce myself." Mr. Horan" I say. He stops and stares at me with a shocked expression. " Your a teacher?" he nearly shouts. " Didn't think it, did ya? " I say, laughing. "No, I didn't to be honest, you look my age." he says. I just laugh." Well this is Block E here." He says, smiling at me with some sadness in it. Why is he sad? "Oh, thanks. Where you going anyway?" I ask, hoping he says the classroom I'm going to. " Oh, Room 15, English" he says, smiling happier now. "Me too" I say smiling at him.

"That's great, oh, I mean that's cool I guess" he says, trying to hide his happiness. " Don't worry, I'm happy that your in my class too, now lets go" I say. We walk into class and nobody's there. They are not meant to be anyway for another 10 minutes which makes me wonder " Liam, why are you here so early?" I ask. He just shrugs his shoulders and drops his books on the front desk, sitting on the table. " Nothing better to be at, I suppose" he says, looking down at his feet. What does he mean by that? Does he not hang out with his friends or? " Where's your friends?" I'm not usually this nosy but it will annoy me all day if I don't know. "Don't have any" he says, finally looking me in the eyes. He looks like he's about to cry. Shit. I drop my books on my desk and walk over and hug him. I feel him go stiff but then relaxing and hugging me back. I pull away and hold his shoulders and look him in the eye. " I don't know why nobody is friends with you because you are amazing and I just met you like 10 minutes ago but I'm comfortable around you already. If you ever need someone to talk too or even just for comfort ,I'm always here.Yeah?" He just nods and puts his head in the crook of my neck.

If it was another student, I probably wouldn't be hugging them right now but it's Liam.Little, cute Liam. Wait, cute? Where did that come from? I mean yeah he is a good looking lad but NO. Niall stop thinking about this. You can't like Liam in that way. 1. He's your student and 2. He's way younger than you. Well actually I don't know how old he is. He looks about 18. I pull away and smile at him." You ok now?" I ask, hoping he is. " Yeah, thanks Mr. Horan" he says, giving me a little smile. " You can call me Niall when it's us if you want " I say. " Niall, I like that name" he says, smiling at me. I can feel my cheeks go red so I just look down at the ground. "Thanks, I like your name too." I say, finally looking up at him. The bell goes off, lifting both me and Liam out of our skin.

My first class went good. Apart from getting distracted by Liam, it was fine. I can't stop thinking about him. Even when school was over and I was lying in bed, staring into the darkness, I couldn't get his image out of my head.

Mr. Horan (Student/Teacher - Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now