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I'm sorry ahahaha I'm so pathetic but I'm graduating from Junior College this year and my finals are just two months away and I've been studying :(((

but hoping I'll be on here often ^_^

I'm in a really bad/sad mood and idk anything I think of leads to a certian Bike fanfic I have to write, so here goes:

Enjoy, comment and vote xø

Title : Savior (1/?)

Paring : Billie Joe/Mike Dirnt

Rating : PG-13 (as of now :p)

DISCLAIMER : I don't own Green Day, Billie Joe or Mike Dirnt. This is a work of fiction. Don't sue me pls I'm poor lol.


Chapter 1

From the moment Billie Joe laid his eyes on the muscular blond lad in front of him, he knew he was a dead man.

Billie was casually walking in school that day, moving from one class to another, trying to ignore his stinging thighs and arms through all the thick black fabric he wore. He suddenly saw a boy, probably new around this area but definitely the buzz of the small school in Rodeo. He looked through the crowd of people and gasped, the guy was gorgeous. He was tall, healthy looking and muscular. Plus, he had a guitar (or bass?) case perched on his back. He was blasting The Ramones. It had to count for something, and Billie knew he just had to talk to this guy.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice when the said person suddenly stood in front of him and smiled. There was a heard of over excited girls and jealous guys behind him.

"Hey, dude. Whats your name?" He asked Billie.

"Billie. Billie Joe."

"Cool, I'm Michael. Just moved in from Hollywood last week. Looks like a pretty depressing place."

So that was all the buzz. Obviously, a guy from Hollywood moving into a small town like Rodeo made for news.

"Huh, tell me about it. I hate it here." Billie said. He was shocked himself, he never said anything exept his name to anyone, and since the passing of his father, his occasional 'I'm okay' and 'I love you's had also stopped. This guy clearly had an effect on Billie.

"You DO speak, Armstrong. I thought you had gone dumb after your father killed himself when he came to know you're a faggot." Chris, one of the bullies spat.

Billie bowed his head, and tears formed in his eyes. It was always like this, they'd tease him endlessly and then mock him about being too weak and crying. Boys don't cry, they said.

But boys usually don't get told that their father commited suicide because of them, when in reallity, the death was due to cancer.

Surprisingly, the new kid stood up for him.

"And just who do you think you are?" He said.

"I'm Chris Mathews. And Armstrong here is a faggot, stay away from him."

"I know what I want to do, please get the fuck out" Michael said and turned to Billie.

"Don't mind them." He said and Billie looked up, shocked.

"Uh.." He tried to speak but Michael cut him off.

"Have lunch with me today, we can chill after school. I'd like to know you better. Call me Mike, by the way." Mike said and Billie gave him a small smile.

"A-uh, thanks I guess, but if any rumors start please don't blame me. My mum calls me Beej? I don't really have friends so I d-don't have a nickname."

"Beej. I like that." Mike said and put his hand forward for Billie to shake it.

Billie looked at him shyly and did exactly the same.

By this time, the people gathered had either lost intrest, or were dissapointed when Mike directly talked to the "freak" of the school.

"What class do you have now?" Mike asked.

"Math, but I'm late anyway and I just might go home. I'm tired." Billie said.

"It isn't even half way into the day. You ain't going home, we'll skip class and do something fun." Mike's eyes twinkled.

Billie almost had a panic attack. He usually skipped and went straight home and did his own thing. He never had fun with anyone.

"I'm not-"

"Oh, shut it. I can play bass, and I show you a few tricks." Mike pointed to the case on his back.

"S..sure." Billie said and followed Mike to wherever the fuck he took him.

They eventually came to a park near their school. It was mostly empty, as expected on a monday afternoon. Mike sat down and patted the seat next to him and Billie smiled and sat next to him.

"So, do ya listen to music?" Mike asked with interest.

Billie looked at him and his eyes shone with a diffrent light. They were eager, and excited.

"Yeah, I love music. Mostly rock. Ramones. Replacements. Beatles. Nirvana. shit like that." Billie said happily.

"Fucking cool man, we have the same music taste! You play anything?"

"Guitar, not a pro though. And I write songs." Billie said, green eyes looking more alive then they ever did.

"Write songs? Oh fuck dude, that's the shit! Show me some lyrics sometime." Mike said, unpacking his bass.

"Uh, they mostly suck."

"We'll see about that. And hey, sorry I don't have an amp at the moment, but here, try playing it."

The following one hour was spent by Billie learning about strings, notes and chords on a bass.

"Good stuff dude, we should totally jam sometime." Mike said.

"Oh yes, it'll be fun!" Billie was as excited as a child on christmas morning.

"You have pretty eyes." Mike blurted out suddenly and Billie was taken aback and blushed the most adorable shade of crimson.


Mike just smiled, Billie was too cute for his own good.

And who knew, Mike really might start having second thoughts about his sexuallity.


before you bust me, I KNOW BILLIE WAS THE ONE WHO TAUGHT MIKE GUITAR. But this is fiction. And I am aware that Mike isn't from Hollywood, lol don't flame me for those, theyre all fictional works. read, comment and vote pls~

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