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Makutu. They’re the nastiest of creatures. Causing pain and misfortune for the smallest thing that inconveniences them. I had a run in with one about 200 or so years ago. I found a Makutu lying in the woods soaking her feet in our Sacrificial River. Her hair was brown and swirled into knots atop her head. This Makutu wore nicer clothes than a normal one would wear, she probably stole them from a noble. Its brown fingernails dug into the earth like tree roots looking for nutrients. I cleared my throat then kindly smiled at the hag. “Would you please stop, these waters are sacred to us.” I spoke with clarity and kindness. She whipped her head around and bared her disgusting green and yellow teeth at me. Then rose from her sitting position to look at me, her cold black eyes piercing my soul.
“You dare talk to me like that child? Telling me what to do.” She spat at my feet. “Bah!” She howled and threw her hands into the air. Rain began to pour around us, cold and painful. With one hand the Makutu grabbed my arm holding me into place and with the other hand she rested it upon my chest. My heart had begun to beat abnormally fast and my head started to whirl. Pain shot through my body like fire in my veins, my heart started to beat slower yet harder. Thump Thum- thump. Then nothing; silence, it stopped beating. I frantically looked down at the Makutu’s hand. A red glow emanated from it; my chest was glowing red.
“What did you do to me?” My hand fluttered to my chest; it was barely warm. There was no movement, no rhythmic beat. The Makutu smiled her green rotting smile,
“I grant you the gift of immortality.” Then poof. Gone. Haven't seen her since.
Over the years though, i have learned some things about how to rid myself from this horrid lifestyle: first, I need a worthy companion to take me to Superstition Mountain where that rot of the earth lives. Second, Every 50 years i get 10 days of mortality-perks of a old hag with magic-yea seems fair. Third, i need to rip the heart from the Makutu and drive a stake through it. Only during those ten days will i be able to complete this quest. It seems ridiculous to travel up a mountain where monsters lurk to kill me but it’s all for the makutu’s enjoyment. Stupid makutu. However, today I start those ten days.

Hey, let me know how you guys like this!
(Makutu- witch)
The other language in Maori!

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