Alice and Jake

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Alice a young 12-year-old girl with dirty blond hair and the most beautiful sapphire eyes that anyone had ever seen was mostly alone. She was average. A schoolgirl, well, not really she hated her school, St. hollows. The only friend is Jake, who couldn't even pat her on the back when she was upset. No, he wasn't imagined or anything. Jake was 13 with pure white hair, that was long enough to flop right over his eyes, and had (Alice had only seen them once) meadow colored green eyes. Jake also had Black horns, (like the devil) and a bright and shiny gold halo floating over his head (like an angel) for he was rejected angel. "Jake, why wern't you accepted to be an angel?" Alice asked, intrigued. "Well, Alice, when I was alive I lived in a poor family, who had to steal food constantly in order to survive. When I died, of what a suprise, starvation, the 7 main angels that wait for you at the gate to heaven to either accept or denie you said they understood my need for food but could not accept me." he said flatly. "Oh ok." A hint of sorrow for him in her voice. Alice knew this was a touchy subject because Jake was usually very hysterical about most everything. i'm sure you're dying to know what a rejected angel is, yes? well, it's when a being dies and isn't pure enough for heaven, but isn't evil enough for hell. *On the upside* Alice thought, *Tommorow is my birthday!*

•End Chapter 1•

A/N: This is my first real story, and I really hope it's enjoyable! Byyyeeee! :3

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