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Jack's POV (Entire Book):

I'm in this position again, standing over my bathroom sink with a bottle of someone's prescription meds in my hand. I seem to always find myself in this exact place every day. I've never actually tried it yet, I haven't swallowed a fistful of pills yet. Why not? Because I'm a coward.

You see, I've always felt this is the best option, nobody would actually be hurt. I've made sure to keep my distance from anyone that could be hurt by my actions towards myself. My mother and father have passed, my siblings don't want to see me anymore, and I have no friends.

Perhaps that seems sad, as if I'm wasting my life away. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just saying that it makes my life easier. Before you say anything, I'm fully aware that I am very, very selfish. Don't worry, I'd never forget the bad things about me, never.

If I did forget then I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't have carved lines into my skin, I wouldn't have cried myself to sleep every night, I wouldn't have wanted to kill myself this much. I wouldn't be living in a motel paying with the money my parents left me. Perhaps my siblings wouldn't hate me as much.

Anyways, I'm hoping today's the day. Time for me to "man up".

I twisted open the pill bottle and poured about fifteen into my hand. Raising my hand to my mouth I knew I was going to do it. This is the end. I swallowed them and grabbed another handful, swallowing them as well. I started feeling dizzy and moments later I fell to the floor. The world around me was slowly painted black until I couldn't see anymore. I'm gone.

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