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Nagisa sat in the back of the café, drinking a cookies and cream milkshake. He sat at a table with an empty chair across from him. The table was meant for two people, however, Nagisa never brought Kayano or anyone else to the café.

For some reason, he always sat alone. Not allowing anyone to sit across from him in the other chair. Nagisa sometimes even brought a book to read, while he drank his milkshake.

However, today was not one of those days. Today, he was playing a game on his phone. His touge slightly sticking out of the corner of his mouth, as he concentrated on his game, taking a few sips of his milkshake every once in a while.

He was always at the café everyday. He would always sit in the same seat, ask for the same waiter, and ordered the same milkshake. In a way, it was a pattern.

Nagisa quickly finished his game, and even his milkshake. He left the empty glass on the table, across from the money. He stood up, and put his phone in his back pocket.

He suddenly looked up, and our eyes locked. He smiled at me, and started walking over.

When he reached me, all he said was. "Text me later, Karma." He then walked out of the café.

I didn't really understand the bluette, he just showed up at the café one day, and asked for me. When I came to his table, he talked to me almost like we were best friends.

He side chatted with me and ordered. I wrote his order down, and went to make his milkshake. When I came back, and gave it to him, he asked me this.

"Karma?" Nagisa said to get Karma's attention. "Yes?" Karma said to show he was listening. Nagisa bit his lip and said.

"Would you be my friend?" He had asked suddenly. Karma quickly responded with a yes, and that's how there friendship began.

The second time Nagisa came to the café, when he left, he had slipped a piece of paper under the bill with his number on it, telling Karma to call anytime.

It was weird, but Karma saved the number into his phone and then texted Nagisa, telling him he had his number.

Nagisa texted back, asking if it was okay to come back to the café. Karma responded with a yes, and Nagisa's cycle began.

So, how is it? Vote, comment, share, enjoy!

~Lena <3

Café Love [Karmagisa]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt