Go to Japan

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Once upon a time a little girl always make's a wish, her name is Nanny, she live's in a village called winddrop. The village is beutifull and next week Nanny will go to Japan for the first time, she really happy and a little bit sad because she's going to leave the village for a month.

One week has past and Nanny will go to Japan with her family she cannot wait because she's going to ride the plane for five hours, this is they're first time they ride a plane and we  are going to be in the air for 5 hours. In the plane she made a wish and her wish is "  I hope we'll be safe to japan"
and then she slept.

5 hour has past we're safe and the plane was landing in Japan airport, she's so happy because she landing safe and her wish came true and then she left the airport, and she's going to the hotel.

To be continued.....

♡ Wish ♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang