{chapter one}

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HEYY! so I'm gonna write a lashton fanfic bc I'm lame and lashton it just omg my otp.

sorry if it sounds like any others you have read or whatever, I'll try not to make it so similar. and yeah. READ AND VOTEE(:

this story may contain like swearing and a few depressing moments. ((DONT READ IT IF YOULL GET TRIGGERED!!x))



First day of school for the year. It is my final year at this hellhole, then I'll be out! Away from all the people in my school! I was a bit worried out my future though. I've always wanted to be a teacher, but I didn't know. I probably wouldn't be a very good one and I hated school. I never want to go back. I roll out of bed and land on the floor with a thump. I rub my back and stand up. I stretch my arms out and yawn. I grab a Pierce the Veil band t-shirt and black jeans. I went and had a shower. I analysed myself in the mirror for a while. My stomach was kinda of big, my thighs almost touched, my face- well. I have never like my face, my nose was ugly my blue eyes were boring and my dimples! AHH! Don't get me started on my dimples! I went into the shower and washed myself after several minutes of just standing in there, looking at the white tiled wall; hot water turning my skin red.

I ran my fingers through my hair and shook the water out to dry it. I scruffled it and let it fall over my eyes. It grew curly as it dried. I pack my school bag with my lunch and textbooks and carry it out to my car. I grab an apple and drive off to school. I parked my car in the middle of the very end row, I walk out and grab my bag from the back seat. I grit my teeth and get the courage to get out of the car. I slowly walk into the school, students running, talking, yelling, bitching and gossiping everywhere! I walk to my locker and unlock it. It hasn't changed since I last saw it. I heard footsteps behind me and my stomach grew with fear. But it was just someone going to there locker next to mine. I put my books into my locker and grab the books for first and second into it. I look next to me to see the one and only, Luke Hemmings. 'High school hottie'. He was pretty hot, I had to admit. As I put my last book in my bag the lockers filled up with a few more people.

"Excited to be back?" Luke asked with his sexy, deep voice. He was looking in my direction, I knew he wasn't talking to me. He probably doesn't even know I exist. The person next to me replies as I close my locker and walk off to the corridor. I always sit at the very end in the corner, the 'popular' people right next to me. I didn't really notice anyone else. My corridor only had a few people in it. As I put my bag down I feel a shove on my shoulder, I take out my ear phones and look at the two boys, David and Jarrah, standing over me. Jarrah pushed me down to the ground and David helped my kicking me in the gut. I yelp as the pain grew. David started the kick my ribs as Jarrah punched me.

"Ohh! I've been so bored over the holidays. Happy to have you back-"

"What the fuck David? Jarrah?" A boy interrupted. They get up and I curl up into a ball and clench my fists and grit my teeth as I hold back the tears. The was a bit of blood coming from my face.

"Oh hey, Luke!" They said. It was Luke.

"Why were you doing that?" He asked, worry in his voice. I stand up slowly and grab my bag, I brush past them to get out of the corridor.

"Fucking piece of shit needs to be taught a lesson."

"What the hell?!" Luke yelled at them as I went around the corner of the long corridor, I lowered my head to shield myself from anyone that might look at me. I liked Luke, too bad he didn't like me back. No one liked me. Everyone in the school hated me, except for my sister.. sometimes. I walk into the bathroom and sit on the benches that we use to get changed for PE. I run my fingers through my hair and I start to cry from the pain. I whimper and check my phone. Class starts in half an hour. I go over to the mirror and wash my face with the freezing water from the tap. I hear the bathroom door open and I try to hide my face.

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