Chapter 1

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Sorry guys for deleting this story. I really don't know what happened! One thing there was this and then that and then... TADA! The story's gone! Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience! So to say 'sorry' to you all, I recreated this story and hope you'll still love them like before. Thanks.s


Hello guys!! This is my second fanfic!! I hope you'll like this one. We'll have many pairs including Percy and Annabeth, Percy and Rachel, Luke and Annabeth, and many more. I even made 2 new characters for this fanfic. You'll meet them later in the story!!







Chapter 1


Annabeth's POV

Hey, guys! I'm Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and Frederick Chase. They're the owners of the biggest company in New York that helps children with their education and talents. They're goal is to educate children in the most advanced technology there is. Now, the children are learning everything in 3D. They love it and other places in the world are buying our product (well, technically it's not our product directly. Its owner is the Trident & Techno, Corp.) Oh more details about me, okay? I'm 21, I have blonde hair, stormy grey eyes just like my mother's, and I'm pretty smart. I'm from Goode High and just graduated college. I love books, of course, and food. Ice cream, pizza, chocolates, cakes, you name it. But I'm also fit and have a good-looking body (or so the boys tell me)...

And there's one tinsy winsy detail...

I'm in love with the hottest and most gorgeous actor/singer...

And his name is...


Age: 22

Birthday: August 18

Looks? Check.

Singing? Check.

Lips? Check.

Acting? Check.

Has crazy fan girls chasing him around? Check.

Girlfriend? Hope none.

In love? I don't know.

But to me, he's very special.

I'm here in my room, reading, as usual. Sometimes, I would be in the house's library looking for a new fiction book to read or an old one but like to reread it. Sometimes, I'd be out in the garden, in my favorite, secret, and 'only mine' tree house. It's nothing much. It's just an old tree house me and my dad made before the both of them were extremely busy because of work.

It's colored silver and the inside, a shade of sea green, just like Percy's eyes. On one side, there's my 'All about Percy Jackson' wall, with everything to know about him with pictures, posters, etc. On one side, it's the 'family corner' with me and my family's pictures, now and then. On the other side, there's my 'Annabeth's Architect Corner', where I lay out my designs or ideas because I'm an architect and I loved to be one since I was a kid. On the last side, there's my 'Music Corner'. Even though I may love algebra, books, and architecture, I do love to sing and play guitar, too. When I'm upset or just like to, I write my feelings through my songs. There are about 3 different guitars there. One is in a blue shade. Another is in stormy grey. The last one is in sea green. Yeah... I've got plenty of sea green here.

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