Thursday september 9, 2016

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Today was a normal day, well for me it was normal!
I got ready like usual and left my house at 7:28 am to go to the bus stop. Yesterday I got in trouble because I was talking to my friend who was sitting behind me on the bus. I think it's stupid that we have assigned seats and we aren't aloud to look behind us. The bus driver is mean too, I'm literally willing to walk to school instead of taking the bus. Well, moving on!
When I got to school I waited for my friend to get off her bus, her name is Michelle. While I waited for Michelle I started to talk to Gianna, which is another one of my friends.(I have so many friends:) jk).
Michelle finally got here an then the bell rang, why did the bell have to ring! I mean I don't hate school, but I don't like school. Anyways, my first class is drama and the teacher assigned groups to make plays. Me and my groups play is about these two kids  and how they get lost in a city. (Btw the characters are based off famous people or just people you know!!)  the two kids names are Drake and Beyoncé and how they get lost in the city because there step mom, Kate perry left them there! Then the bell rang and it was time for math, I really hate math! We had a test and I think I got a 100% or not! When I was done with the test I started my math homework! The hour went by fast and it was time for ELA! I like ELA, I just don't like the teachers I have for ELA! I call one of my teachers satin only because she acts like she hates me and I didn't do anything to her. We had to go to the computer lab for a test to see how well we can read and I got above 1000, yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay! ( sorry I had a moment)! After the reading test we had to take a vocabulary quiz and I did good on that. Then class ended and I was happy again because I had PE class next and we played dodgeball! I'm not a good thrower, but I'm good at catching the balls, so then the other players get out!!
This one girl threw a ball at me and it went through my legs and I almost caught it, it was going really fast that I almost touched it and got out. From their point of view it looks like I touched it, but I didn't. They kept yelling at me to sit done and I kept telling them what happened, but they still continued to scream! Don't you hate it when you are telling someone the truth and they don't even care to listen to what you have to say! Anyways, the bell rang and we all went to the locker room to change out. When I was changing this girl from the other team pointed at me and yelled CHEATER! The whole locker room started saying "ooooooooo"! I was dying of laughter, since when was I in 4th grade again and every one calling each other cheaters, I think they need to act there own age and grow up. Now it was time for lunch, since much isn't interesting I'm going to skip me explaining what I eat and who I spoke to. ***Skipping to AP Time***
Lunch was over and we had to go to our AP class. ***skipping it again because all I did was read in that class***

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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