Chapter 43

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Melanie's POV:

"We're married" I whispered in Demi's ear as we sat at the head table at our reception.

"We're married" she grinned at me and pressed her lips to mine.

"Time for speeches" the dj said into the mic and Eddie walked up on stage.

"Okay so hello everyone, I didn't think this day would come so soon, next thing ya know she'll be having kids,

God I feel so old, I've raised Demi since she was about 5 years old and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter, she's been through so much in her life and she's pulled through it, she's so strong and now she has a life partner that she can lean on, Melanie is so incredible and I can see how much she makes my daughter, I can officially say I have a 4th daughter, I love you so much girls, I hope you guys are forever happy" he smiled and holds up his glass.

"To the beautiful brides" he grins and walks off stage, now it was my dads turn.

"So I haven't really known Demi long, I didn't even know my little Melanie had a girlfriend, and then she brings her home and says, mum dad this is my fiancé, I'm sure you can imagine how shocked we were, but I could see in their eyes how in love they were, I thought they were rushing things but I guess you can't deny true love, Demi look after my little girl, she's so precious to me" my dad smiled and I shake my head giggling while Demi smiles and nods.

"Oh my baby Demi, god I remember when you was born, you was so tiny and I just wanted to hold you forever, I could watch you sleep for hours, and soon you're gonna do that when you have a little girl of your own, or a boy but you'll have a girl" she winks making us laugh.

"I love you so much baby, wasn't to pleased about the affection you two showed with eachother in front of me, there's something's a mother just doesn't want to see her daughter do" me and Demi blushed and a few people laughed.

"Melanie I knew as soon as I saw you that you was the one for my daughter, a mother just knows these things, she's so happy and she just glows around you, I hope you guys love eachother for enternity" her mum smiles raising her glass and walks off stage.

"Well guess it's my turn, what can I say? I always knew my little girl would turn out the way she did, she always used to say I'm a lesbian mum but she'd be joking about and never take it serious, but I always knew she was, she was my little girl, a mother knows right Diana" my mum winked and I rolled my eyes.

"My baby girl, god I'm getting all emotional, I can't believe you're finally married, and to your idol how crazy is that? I know you're going to be living over here in LA, but don't forget to come back home and see us okay, we miss you" my mum said teary eyed making me cry.

"To my little girl and her beautiful bride" she smiled stepping down.

After our parents speeches, our siblings got up and then a couple of our friends, let's just say the speeches went on for over 90 minutes, we laughed and we cried and it was just so beautiful, I can't wait to get the wedding video so I can cry all over again.

Me and Demi walked out of the reception saying bye to everyone as we climbed in our car and headed to the airport, we got on the private jet still in our dresses, there was a room so I grabbed Demi dragging her into it.

"I love you" I smiled resting my head on hers.

"I love you so much more" she smiled an pecks my lips.

"Not possible"

"Mrs. Lovato, you have to take your seat, you can both go back to the bedroom once we are in the air" a stewardess knocked on the door.

"Okay be right out" Demi shouted.

Me and Demi quickly changed into sweats and walked out taking our seats.

"I can't believe I finally get to call you my wife, Mrs Lovato" Demi grinned.

"Well believe it baby" I smiled pecking her jerk and putting our hands together looking at our rings.

"I love you" I smiled at her.

"I love you too" she grinned and pressed her lips to mine.

I sucked on her bottom lip as we pulled away and she giggled.

The plane took off and we was finally in the air.

I stood up taking Demi with me and we walked into the bedroom locking the door behind us, I smiled pushing her against the door.

"I can finally tick something off my bucket list" I smiled.

"Oh yeah, what's that baby?" She asked me.

"Make love to my wife on a plane" I grinned.

I smashed my lips onto Demi's picking her up wrapping her legs around my waist, she moaned in my ear as I sucked on her pulse point.

"Make love to me Wife" Demi whispered and I smiled carrying her to the bed laying her down.

I stripped both of us so we were completely naked.

"I love you" I mumbled Against her lips

"I love you too"

I made love to my wife on a plane.. Did I just say that? Wow I have a wife, and I had sex with her on a plane, this is crazy insane, I look down at Demi sleeping on my naked chest, god she is so beautiful, 2 weeks alone with this girl in a beautiful country, her body is all mine, all day everyday, I'm going to explore her body so much, fuck she's so sexy, I want to fuck her again.

To be continued...


Hey guys sorry I didn't do a sex scene.. I really wasn't in the mood!

Lily x

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