A theme for murder

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They were two, almost the same, yet so different

Alike among them, depression and loss

They both felt rejected, but one was indifferent

The other, so easily could she get cross

But together, they found kinship

And help the other, so neither would trip

School was hell, with no escape

People would tease and jest

And each word, at their self-esteem it would scrape

They felt like they were the worst, so they acted the best

Faking a smile, laughing along they would

But when alone, they'd cry as much as they could

She would starve herself, no food consumed

And yell and scream in the mirror

She felt she was doomed

Not pretty, not smart, no cheer

Her parents showed no love for her

When she talked to them, they would 'blah blah blah'

He would cut and slice till he bled

To no-one would he talk

He had no food, no sleep in bed

He felt people judging him when he would walk

Alone in the world he felt

No good luck was he dealt

And so together they decided

They got knives and matches, but their time they bided

The moon was full and high

Upon the grey and gloomy sky

One cut sharp and quick

The other gulped pills with a flick

Now beneath the moon high

Upon the grey and gloomy sky

Two bodies lie unbeknownst to all

That depression had these two in its thrall

And now they lie dead

This was the last time they bled

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