Act 8 Part 9

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             (5 day time skip)

Everyone was asleep in Kanaya's hive except for Gracer and Tareli. Tareli sat on the couch reading a book while Gracer sat with her knees to her chest, toying with her fingers. "Tareli?" Gracer asked. "Yeah?" Tareli asked looking up from her book. "Do you...think I'm dumb?" Gracer asked. "No, you are very intellectual. Why do you ask?" Tareli put her book down. "Remember when we met Terezi, Eridan, Gamzee, and everyone else at the beach the other day?" "Yea." She answered. "Gamzee, Eridan, and Karkat were all talking...they said that they didn't like me because I cried so much...and that I was selfish......" Gracer finished, tears welling in her eyes. "Well, think about who you are talking about right now. Gamzee is a stoner and if not a murderer. Karkat is always angry and never understands common sense, and Eridan thinks highly of himself because of the color of his blood. They have exactly no room to talk and just need to feel better about themselves, so they feel that they have a meaning." Tareli said, sitting next to Gracer. "But what about their ups? They are strong, smart, and brave....way better than me." Gracer said tears trailing down her cheeks. "No, they are no better. We have been in the game longer, we have dealt with a lot more, you have been strong, you did a lot for me, and They had to escape even when they had more than 1 life." "We could die over and over again in the game if we wanted to....but here....we can't...and yes they are better than me...they have something I don't have...." Gracer said, wiping the snot from her nose. "And that's what makes you better, even after this all, even as our time goes down, through all this, you've been able to be happy. They think they are better because they haven't been through what you have, And no one should go through it but you made it out, don't let anyone take your strength from you. You are Gracer Leona, dancestor of Nocturnal don't let someone tell you who you are or what you should be.r Our Mother Night wouldn't like it one bit." Tareli smiled with tears in her eyes. Taking off her shades and wiping her abnormal eyes. "You have to trust me on this one." She said taking Gracer into a hug. After a couple second of murmuring the two split and Gracer admired Tareli's eyes. Reaching for her shades tareli tried to hide her eyes, Gracer grabbed them before she could touch them. "I like your eyes." Gracer said looking at each number. "Ugh, Gracer." Tareli groaned at her Morial. "But it's true!" she continued to stare at her eyes. "Dave in the hou-" Dave walked in. Tareli dived off the couch to her shades, her eyes shut the entire time. "Dave! Can I see your eyes?" Gracer asked. "Wha? No!" Dave said."Please! I wanna see if they're just as beautiful as Tareli's." Gracer admitted, reaching for his shades. "No! You're gonna make fun of them!" Dave exclaimed. Tareli had her shades on. "You! You didn't see anything did you!?" She asked embarrassed. "What did I miss." He asked. Tareli stood up slapped his chest "Good." She murmured. He flinched looking back at Tareli as she walked into the kitchen. "You saw." Gracer whispered. Dave only nodded slightly. "Then don't let her know." Gracer insisted. I wonder if Tareli was like the first copy of Dave, both have the different eyes and hide them. I guess the team had it all planned out except the character itself. So was Tareli a rejected troll that was discarded but then completely recreated? Gracer thought following her morial into the kitchen. "TARELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I'M HUNGRYYYYYYYYYY." Gracie complained. "Gracer, I'm ttiiiiiiiirrrrreeeedddd, but you dont see me asking you to help me sleep." Tareli joked before going into the fridge. "Here." Tareli threw Gracer an apple. "Eat up now, but we're going out to eat for dinner. Caus I have MONEY!" Tareli showed off the money she made walking people's dogs. "YES WE ARE GOING TO TACO BELL!!" Gracer shouted. "So, Taco Bell it is." Tareli said. Gracer jumped up, excited. Tareli stood up and walked to the kitchen and wrote a note for Hosheo, KarKat, Aureli, Graysil, and Kanaya, so they knew they were out.

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