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As the morning came i stood up from my bed, going to the bathroom to get ready for my first day at Ouran high. As i was about to walk out the door I wave bye to my father taking a piece of toast bread rushing to get to school.

~(Y/n) POV~

Hay there. I am 16 year old (Y/n). Iv been accepted into OHSHC due to my perfect grades and attendants record. Im normally shy so i dont talk much or show myself. Now thag iv been accepted in a school for the rich im not sure if i can handle it. Well i just have to make the best of it!

~end of POV~

The school bell rings letting all students know school is about to start

I sit down in the seat right at the back of the class so no one sees me besides the teacher. "Now class take out your books" we all do a Mr.wolf ordered us to do and begins the lesson.

~after school~

I walk down the hallway, up the stairs, everywhere trying to find somewhere to study. I stumble on an abandon music room. "I hope this room is empty it looks abandon so no body uses it seems..." i turn the door nob opening the door slowly as there was a beem of light shinning right at me. I walk in and close the door. Infront of me... There stands 5 guys. "Oh look what we have here! Seems another-- Wait this is a guy. Maybe his into guys insted of girls" The red head says as he approaches me. "They cant tell im s girl.. Due my my hoodie being so boyish and huge.." The red head comes and runs his finger from my ear to my chin. My face lights up beight red as i push him away stumbling bacwords. I fall against a counter that had a vase worth ¥800million (¥ is yen). I stand there in shock stearing at the broken vase.

The 2 orange heads come leaning on my sholders. "Now you'v done it. Since you broke the vase you are the host clubs little kitten." I stand there stearing into space "k-kitten?! What do they mean by that?!"

~host club open~

I went to market to get the stock of tea, coffie, sandwiches and sweets. As i came back i hear the red head speeking about me to the 'princess' of the host club. By princess i mean brat. "Well speek of the devil. Our little kittens back. Have you got the stuff i asked for you to get?" I nod at his question as i took out the coffie since he wanted. He grabs it out mu hands stearing at it. "This is commoners coffie isent it?! Well ill drink this coffie!" Everyone claps for him as he was some kind of show off. I make the coffie setting it on the table he was at.

The red head looks at me with this weird face as i look at him back. He jumps up grabbing into a hug. I tried to push him away from me, as i do so a guy with black hair reaches for me picking me up. I hold onto his arms as he stears at me. "Oh come on Kai put him down so i can hug him so tight for being so cute!!" Kai doesn't set me on the ground, insted he pulls me against him still far from the red head. "So black haired guy name is Kai..." The others start to realize that i was a girl. At the end if the host club i had went to go change due to the 2 stupid orange haired guys throwing water over me.

As i was undressing red head comes in giving me a towl but stop and stears. "Your a...girl..?" The others pulled the red head out before i could notice he was there. As i hd finnished i walk out, there stand all 5 of them even the red head stearing at me. I was looking all over me to see what was wrong. Suddenly red head grabs me by the shoulders looking stight in my face saying that im going to be part of the host club but a kitten for them also. They wanted me to wear the ugly yellow dress, obviously i regfused. So they had given me a cute little red and white cat hoodie and a red skirt to wear. From then i had been a host for guys. "Mom... I dont think i can handle being a host...."


~authers POV~

I hope all of you enjoyed this 1st chapter!! X3

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