Playing with Pegs

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I had problems posting the original, so this is the revised version. And it is still dedicated to my Mama_G. Hope you all enjoy this one. 

Being a woman in a mans world is tough. We are often viewed as the weaker sex. So in order to thrive among them, we have to do more, be more and sacrifice more. I work in a place where I have to make all the hard decisions and live with the consequences. A place where the stress level is, on a scale of 1-10, it is a 14. I have to always keep my cool and be in control. And I love it, but there are times when I have to let go, be someone else and not have to make a single decision. 

 I could do yoga or go swimming in order to let go and de-stress myself of my hectic daily life  , but I chose something else, I chose to become a Submissive. The thought of giving myself to someone who will take care of me and control my every action was like music to my ears. I am still pretty new to this lifestyle, so I have a Mentor, one who guides and teaches me on how to be a Sub. He is teaching me the etiquette of being a Sub. How I should behave towards my Master in private and in public. It is all very fascinating. He also has been teaching me the art of pain and pleasure. And let me tell you, the lessons are invigorating to say the least. One of them I will share with you now.

One day, my Mentor, Sir Mathew. asked me if I have ever used clothes pegs. Not sure why he would ask a question like that, I tell him of course I've used them. I hang up my clothes with them. After a heart beat, a light went on in my head. You silly twit, I scolded myself. He meant for sexual purposes. I blushed and told him no I had not. 

Sir M: Good then we'll give it a try. No sooner had he said those words, I felt, oh hell, I didn't know how I felt. Half of me said no way was I going to intentionally give myself pain. The other half was excited and intrigued to experience the pleasure of a little pain. Needless to say, the latter won. 

So there i am in my bedroom, wearing nothing but my panties and a bra, just waiting like a good little girl. Then a ping comes from my phone, indicating that I have received a message. My heart starts to race with anticipation. I know it’s from my Mentor. Oh, I should tell you that my Mentor and I have an online relationship, so everything we do, is either by message, email or cam. In this particular instance, we are messaging. Unconventional I know, but this is the wonder of the technological world we live in. 

Sir M: Sage, are you ready to begin? The message reads

Me: Yes Sir, I am ready! 

Sir M: Okay, then you have two choices. One, you can try the pegs for the pain, or two, you can try them as part of the sexual experience. In my opinion, you should try them both. The first, is to teach your body to accept the pain, not for your own pleasure, but that of your Masters.

Not waiting for the rest of his explanation, I quickly answered 

Me: Sir I will try them both.

Sir M: Good He says, Then to start off with, you will place a peg on you hand, remembering that the more flesh you pinch, the less pain you will feel. And most importantly, do not forget to rub the area first. Good blood flow is key.  

Me: Yes Sir

Sir M: When you’re ready place the peg on your hand and keep it there for a maximum of 5 minutes.

Me: Yes Sir! I placed the peg on my hand and thought to myself, this is going to be a breeze. It doesn’t feel so bad. HA, boy was I wrong. Three minutes in and I was feeling it. My Mentor would ask, if I was ok. Silly me and not wanting to sound like a chicken, I would say I was good. Then he told me to take off my bra and place another peg on to the flesh of one of my breasts. Holy hell, if I felt this pain, just on my hand, imagine how bad it would be on my breast. Again not wanting to sound scared, I said

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