The Beginning of the End
The world has changed, no one expected it, man always has been so greedy he's willing to sacrifice the whole of humanity for its own benefit. – Frank Howard
In 2019 the signs started to become clear. Gas prices are way too high compared to previous years, rumors about lack of petrol leads to worldwide economic stress, North African countries ensure that still have "enough to supply world demand for the several decades upcoming".
Population on Arabic countries do not agree with this statement which leads to strikes and immobilization of the countries basic infra-structures, each day Arabic countries are adding billions into national debt, taxes are being raised, rumors of CEO's of multi-millionaire petrol companies are hiring hit man to execute main Arabic governmental leaders.
Chinese Prime Minister reports trillions missing from state safe, corruption accused and the "fake" Chinese democracy begins to breakdown. Chinese army takes over control, Prime Minister goes missing, a very reward able bounty is placed and mercenaries from around the world are madly searching. As the army takes over, it's settled that there will be free elections after anarchy has been controlled, until then all airports, seaports and borders shall be closed," whoever tries to pass trough will be shot on sight".
China with a population of over two billion and with the borders closed and the internal infra-structures interrupted, lack of food and drinkable water begins to become a major and daily issue for the citizens, murder and rape are also included in this mix of anarchy, UN is shocked but chooses to ignore than rather take political action.
The worldwide recession is leading a rise on emigration levels and brain drain, mostly on western European countries. Most chosen countries to live on are US and UK, in a matter of months these countries will have to restructure border control laws, liberals are not happy with these measurements and being 60% of these countries population pro liberalism these governmental leaders may not face re-election.
Everyday new pictures and videos of Chinese soldiers shooting unarmed man and women, hit the world news. US citizens start to doubt if the media can be really trusted and if it's 100% legit. YouTube becomes the main source for truth and place to discuss different points of views.
The worldwide recession creates a utopia addicted to crime, US prisons are full and with more prisoners arriving every day, death row becomes common. US populations claim "government is the real murderer".
UK minimizes sentences, there's not enough budget to keep inmates for long, which creates a cripple system where being caught for committing a crime means nothing.
European Union abandons all projects for debt stabilization for countries with a debt over one trillion euros (Greece, Portugal and Spain) resulting in anger and frustration from the same, every week, one or two ministers resign from the parliament, there's a bubble full of rage and desperation from people who lost everything to pay a debt they didn't start, and this bubble is about to burst and the governments of these countries are going to fall.
Germany is leading the European Union for having the strongest economy in Europe.
The expected war between North and South Korea has started, politicians are scared this might be the kick-start for the third world war. Russia and Chinese Army are backing North Korea, US stands his ground and is funding South Korea. US media states "this indirect war we are fighting is Vietnam all over again".
Rumors of Japan sponsoring North Korea spreads through the news creating diplomatic conflict between US and Japan after being strong trade partners for two years in a row. Japan and Philippines become allies, for unknown reasons Japan donated 1.5 trillion USD to the Philippines. With this money, Philippines is expanding its economy helping small business, building more roads, creating more jobs.
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