Mystery guy in my room what???

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Authors note:

This is my first time putting a story on here. I hope you enjoy it. This is unedited sorry.


Chapter 1

I felt myself wake up from my dreams. When I opened my eyes, I saw that my digital clock on the coffee table on the right side of my bed read 11:59A.M..

Wow, I thought to myself, why did I wake up so early?

I rolled over to my back to stare at the ceiling, when I suddenly noticed and felt a presence in the bed next me. I turned and rolled over wildly to the right, and I took one look at the person in the bed laying above the covers, right next to me and started to scream. My scream was short- lived, when the person clamped their hand over my mouth. My attempts of screaming and speaking were muffled with this hand. Out of fear and ignorance of not knowing what was going on, I started to hyperventilate.

"Shh.." he said in a deep soothing voice that oddly enough instantly calmed me. "It's alright."

Forgetting the situation momentarily, I took this opportunity to take in the appearance of the resider in my bed. Due to the pale moonlight streaming from the open window, it gave me enough light to see.

I saw that he was in his mid-twenties. He appeared to be around 6'2"; I couldn't tell exactly ,since he was in my bed. He was fully clothed, with dark blue jeans and a long-sleeved white collared shirt on, with an undone tie. The shirt had a several buttons undone, giving me somewhat an imagination of what was under there.

I looked at his eyes, which took my breath away. His eyes were a sparkling dark emerald green. His hair was midnight black and disheveled, but that didn't take away from his beauty. His lips were upturned into a knowing smirk, along with a hinted shadow of a mustache above them? It seemed as he knew I was checking him out.

In all, he was what I would and any other female would state... breathtakingly sexy.

"I'm going to remove my hand from your mouth." he continued, still smirking, as he stared at me. "Don't scream."

I responded with a nod, not bothering trying to relay my answer through a muffle. He removed his hand slowly, still not somewhat trusting me not to scream. I didn't scream nor said anything for a moment; I just sighed, since I didn't know what to say. When I finally gathered my thoughts together, I looked back at him.

"Who are you?" I finally asked him, looking at the moon instead of his face.

"Call me..." he answered, pausing as he if he had to contemplate about his response. "Damien."

Huh? I thought to myself. I don't know any Damien. But,then again, I was a loner, so I really don't know any guy real too well from the male population.

"Well...Damien.." I emphasized his name,as I asked him, "What are you doing in my bed? How did you get here?"

"I came through the open window over there." he said, looking briefly at the window.

"But..." I asked again, as I directed my eyes to look at him, wanting to know the answers. "What are you doing here? Why are you in my bed?"

"I'm here for you." he answered seriously, looking at me so intensely in the eyes, I had to look away.

What the hell? What does he mean that he is here for me? I don't know this man. I honestly have not met him in my life. This might be some crazy serial killer on the loose. Yeah, that has to be the answer. Wait, I thought as i stopped my rambling thoughts. If that is so, is he here to kill me? Oh my god, I thought as I inched slowly away from him. I have to get away from him before he kills me.

I inched closer and closer to theedge of the bed, and prepared for my escape. I began to jump up at the same time he pulled me backwards towards him, causing me to gasp and tumble back into the bed.

At this point, my logical thoughts told me this was the end, so I started to slowly cry, with any hope fading. He's going to torture me and kill me.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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