Rough Love

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It was yet another stormy day at UA high, where the most potential students come together to train to be the future heroes of Japan. The rain fell down in heavy droplets, splashing upon your umbrella. The gray sky just added to your current mood, it was dark and miserable which summed you up this morning. The cause of this being a big test that was being held today, during your first class. Maybe if you actually understood the curriculum that's on test, or didn't stay up all night nailing the foreign information in your brain, you'd be way more lively. You were like a zombie walking towards the school with half lidded eyes, and struggling to carry all the material you attempted to study last night.

A small shove to the side was all it took for you to come tumbling down, which is what exactly happened. Falling face first, your body laid sprawled out on the soaked ground, your uniform and books now soaked. A taunting laugh filled the air, "Come on (f/n)! You can't sleepwalk to class!"

You lifted your frowning face in time to see the back of Bakugou Katsuki. That damn idiot! How many times does this make it this week? Your classmate would "accidently" bump into you on almost a daily basis, since the first day of class! Although this was the first it took you down, this was starting to get annoying. What did you ever do to him?!

"Umm (l/n)-chan? Are you okay?" You noticed the helping hand of the plain faced Midoriya...or was it Deku?

"Oh thanks." You replied, gladly taking the hand. He already picked up your books and umbrella, handing them to you as you stood up.

"I'm sorry about Kacchan..." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his head, "He can be kinda..."

"No it's fine! I know his personality sucks, I'm just confused why I suddenly have a big target on my head." You shook your head, no time to be distracted or feel down! You have a test to take in 15 minutes!

You continued to walk towards the school with your head higher this time. Marching into the classroom with your mind elsewhere, and sitting yourself down at your desk with determination. Nothing could break your focus now....

Except maybe the snickers and sudden chills that ran through you. "(l-l-l/n)-chan! I've been trying to tell you that you're soaked!" Midoriya stuttered out, putting him on the spot. You glanced down to see your clothes stuck to you, noticing how much you were shivering. "Here! I got you your gym clothes!" The awkward boy shouted loudly.

Groaning inwardly, the embarrassment now showing through your red face, you quickly ducked out the room. And made it back in time when the bell rang! Trying to calm yourself, you turned back to give Midoriya a thankful smile. But he wasn't looking ahead. Nope, he was shaking nervously, sweat running down his face, and eyes that kept darting to the left. Curious, you followed his gaze which lead to none other than Bakugou Katsuki, who was giving him a heated glare. Of course! He's probably going to give poor Midoriya a hard for helping you now! They already had tension between them and you just added fuel to the fire, that's just great...

"Good morning students! I hope you all have prepared and study your little hearts out for the test today~"

Loud groans echoed through the room. You forgot about your drama immediately when the word test rang through your head. Oh weren't prepared and you did study your little heart out!

The teacher continued, "Now, now...I have some good news! I was thinking last night, and felt the best way to make sure you understood this unit of history was not through a test. But through a group project! So no test for today~"

You let your head slam down on your desk. All this worrying, hype, and tiredness was all for nothing?! The world has just decided to throw another rock at you. And now you have to do a group project? You don't want to put in all the work! You'd rather just take the test now to get it over with! As you mentally cursed and whined to yourself (head still on the desk), your teacher had begun to call out partners she had already set up. And just as you were about to let yourself cry, you heard...

Bakugou Katsuki x Reader: Rough LoveWhere stories live. Discover now