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Sorry for bad spelling and stuff xx

"Are you ready?"
Ryan looked up at Phil with raised eyebrows.
"As ready as I can be"
With that Ryan picked the lock to the front door, they had been planning on kidnapping Mr Howells son for a while, Mr Howell owned a large company and was very rich, kidnapping his son is a good plan to get a lot of money, fast.

As they entered they had little time to notice the spotless marble floors and the crystal chandelier.
They tiptoed up the large stair case, that was lined with velvet like red carpet, large paintings hung along the wall.
They reached Dans room Ryan looked at Phil and nodded, Phil burst through the door, Dan shot up in bed and tried to scream but before he knew it his mouth was covered in a damp cloth and his eyes were falling shut.
Phil stepped back in disgusted in himself at what he had just done, he knew this was wrong.
He motioned for Ryan to come in and he carried him down the stairs, Phil picked up some of Dans clothes making sure Ryan didn't notice and placed a note on dans bed telling his father where his son is and what they, Ryan, would do to him if he didn't give them the money and he followed Ryan down stairs.
Phil quietly closed the door as Ryan threw Dans lifeless body in the back seat, Phil was angry of how careless Ryan was but mostly angry at himself, he is a good person or was.

They drove deep into the woods and hid the car in the thick trees, they found a small spot hidden from all the roads, and lit a fire, Dan began to wake up, he noticed what was happening and once again before he could scream he was slapped by Ryan.
"Make a noise and I will kill you."
Ryan spat at Dan, Phil stood back looking pityfully at Dan as Ryan walked off.
It was only now that Dan realised his hands were tied together with a zip tie and he was only in his boxers, his nostrils burned from the chloroform and his face stung from being slapped.
Phil slowly walked up to him, Dan scrambled away but Phil got closer, Phil didn't say a word but instead placed some of his clothes down next to him and a put a some bread on top. He looked up at Dan,  whose eyes were full of fear and mouthed  "sorry".
Dan looked down and got dressed as best as he could with his hands tied, all he managed was to put his joggers on, he was left shirtless and cold. Ryan returned, seeing what Phil had done and sending him an icy look.
"We want him to live don't we?"
Phil snapped at him.
Ryan huffed and sat down by the fire leaning up against a tree, Phil and Dan did the same, Ryan was deeply asleep by now but Phil couldn't, tears flowing down his cheeks staring deep into the fire, he messed up, Dan just sat there staring at the emo haired boy, almost pitying him, Phil noticed this and he snapped his head up when he heard shivers coming from Dan, dan quickly looked away not wanting to get hit again, Phil walked up to him quickly Dan buried his face into his knees expecting to be hurt but instead he felt something warm wrapped around him, it was Phil's black hoodie, he looked up at Phil who gave him a sorry smile, tears still staining his cheeks and walked away,
"T-thank you" Dan whispered
"Get some sleep" Phil said before falling asleep himself.

It was midday and Ryan was already pissed at Phil for giving him his jacket the night before, time went by and Mr Howell didn't show, Ryan kicked a tree, dirt flying everywhere as he screamed.
"I'm going out to find him, stay here."
He growled through gritted teeth. They were left alone.

Half an hour had now passed and Ryan still hasn't come back, Phil looked over at Ryan's backpack that he forgot to take, he decided to look through it.
Nothing much was in there apart from his phone, curiosity got the better of Phil and he decided to look through his messages, his most recent messages was to a guy called Richard

Richard: you got the boys?
Ryan: yeah, Phil still thinks he's gonna get the profit aswell, I will meet you tomorrow around half one to pick up the syrum and I will finish them both off. 20 000 that's the deal.
Richard: agreed I will see you tomorrow.

"Oh god, what?!"
Phil said as he read them.
Dan looked up startled.
"We need to get out of here NOW!"
Phil grabbed his pocket knife and cut Dan free, he pulled him up and grabbed his hand.
"Come on"
Phil dragged Dan along jumping over fallen branches and rocks, Dan was still only wearing his joggers and Phil's  hoodie, the sides blew up as they ran making Dans chest show, they reached a small stream with a waterfall both wheezing out of breath. Phil almost jumped in the water wanting to wash away every thing but alternatively took off his blue shirt, jeans and shoes stepping under the waterfall and washing himself, he gave a sigh of relief  and looked at Dan who was sat on a rock staring at the water.
"You comin in?"
Dan shot his head up, scanning over Phil's almost naked body, blushing and looking away.
"I guess." Dan mumbled taking if his clothes leaving in his boxers and going under the waterfall, only the front part of his body  hitting the water as he was trying to avoid getting too close to Phil.
"I don't bite" Phil wrapped his arm around dans waist and pulled him closer so Dan was completely under the water, Dan blushed and Phil let go.
After a few minutes of washing Dan got curious.
"Why did you help me?"
He said looking down his hair lightly brushing over Phil's chest.
Phil sighed, he knew the question had to be asked sooner or later.
"I knew it wasn't right from the start, but when I saw what Ryan had planned for us I had to get you out of there."
Dan looked at Phil again with a worried look.
"He was going to kill us and sell us"
"Oh my god!"
  "I couldn't leave you there."
Phil said staring intently into dans eyes, he got lost and stepped closer so their chests touched, it was now that Dan realised that their faces where inches apart, his breath hitched neither of them knew what they were doing, just as Phil was about to finish what he had started and loud shout pulled them apart.

X Cliff hangers! There will be a second part to this X

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