Welcome back

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(Dippers POV)

I scratched my cheek. First day of summer here I come.
I licked my lips and pressed my face against the glass window.

"Gravity Falls in five minutes." Called the bus driver.

I could already see the water tower coming closer. The red muffin was starting to peel off.
Better remind Robbie. I thought foolishly. Mabel was sitting next to me asleep. We had left last night. I was too exited to sleep. The bus turned onto a fimilar road. That's when I saw it. The big sign.

Welcome to Gravity Falls!

And underneath it....

Nothing Weird here at all!

I almost laughed.
Everything in Gravity Falls was weird. From the Food at Greasys Diner to the gnome tavern in the forest. I bumped Mabel.
She yawned and looked up. Blinking.

"Hullo Dipper. We there yet?" She yawned again.

"Two more minutes!" I cried.

I was counting.

"Oh my gosh!" Mabel was suddenly awake.

"Need some Mabel juice?" I had been holding a water bottle full of red liquid.

I could even see the little plastic dinosaurs in it. She nodded and snatched the bottle from me. She glugged it down. I laughed this time. She breathed and handed it back to me.

"Thirty more seconds!" I chanted.

Waddles snorted. He was in the row behind us.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2....." Mabel and I cheered when....

The bus halted right in front of my favorite place in the universe.
The mystery shack. I grabbed my bag and Mabels, while she grabbed Waddles. I tipped the bus driver on the way out. The bus drove away behind us.

"It's just the way we left it....." Mabel smiled.

"In shambles!" Me and Mabbel laughed together.

"Come on!" Mabel grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

(Stan's POV)

I heard the bus doors clang shut and the wheels screech.

"Their here! Hide everyone!" I called.

My twin brother, Ford switched off the lights. Wendy hid under the dining room table while Soos went behind the T.V.
I myself hid behind the couch. I felt Ford crouch down next to me. We waited until we heard the door creak open.

"Hello?" Called a fimilar voice from the doorway.

I heard the door shut and footsteps shuffle over to the light switch. The lights turned on.

"Surprise!" We all popped out.

Soos falling out behind the T.V and Wendy bumping her head on the edge of the table.

Our banner that we hung up slowly fell down onto Mabel and Dippers head. The wet paint smeared their hair and clothes.

"Oops." Ford muttered. Dipper pulled the banner off himself.

That's when Mabel and Dipper fell over laughing.

"Phew." Stan nodded to Ford who sighed back.

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