The House

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"Ugh," I said tossing in my bed once more, it was one o'clock in the morning in another failed attempt at sleeping. I decided to get up and use my phone. I turned on the lock screen and the usual messages popped up from various kids at my school, all bullies, none of them understand. Insomniac, freak, vampire, nocturnal, were all names that showed up on screen and things that kids called me at school. I rolled my eyes and put in my ear buds and turned on My Chemical romance. 'I'm not okay' played through them and I closed my eyes to try and at least feel like I was sleeping. I felt a rush of cool air blow through my room and my eyes snapped open. This had happened before. I looked to my window and sure enough it was closed, and it was in the middle of winter and all that blew through the house was warm air. I looked back to see that my window was open. I sighed and got up to close it and I felt a hand pulling me back. I ignored the felling because again, this had happened many times before. I closed it and flopped back onto the bed. Like most nights this one was going to be hectic.


Beep, beep, beep, my alarm clock blared throughout my room. Another hectic day in school. I stopped it and went to pick out my clothes and take a shower. The cold water splashed down on my skin waking me up and getting me ready for the day. Once I got out I shimmied into my clothes and brushed my teeth. I bounded downstairs and fished out the box of cereal from the cabinet. I made sure that I ate quickly because in knew that I had to pick up my friend on my way to school. My little brother came lazily down the stairs and muttered a quick 'good morning'. "How'd you sleep?" I asked him. He looked at me with half closed eyes and muttered something incoherent. "How'd you sleep?" My mom asked me from across the table. I looked at her with the same look my brother gave me and said, "Really mom, How'd you sleep? You know I don't sleep." I said. She gave me a pitiful look, "I know sweetie I was just hoping." She said rubbing my arm. I ate the rest of my cereal and said a quick goodbye to my family and headed out the door.


"Hey Vampy." My best friend Hailey said sliding into the passenger seat of my car. "Hey." I said running my hand through my hair. Hailey saw the stressed look on my face "Tell me you at least tried to sleep." She said. I gave her a look as my response. "Olivia I am worried about you not getting any sleep." She said looking at me with deep concern in her eyes. "Thanks, but I'm fine, now lets cut out the mushy stuff and go to school." I said turning the key and starting my car.

The ride to school isn't very far so we got there with enough time to get our stuff and sit down. I heard heels clicking behind me and I immediately knew who it was. "Hi Tiana." I said not turning around. "Hey freak show, listen I want to make a deal with you." She said sitting down at our table. I looked up from the book I was reading and gave her a questioning look. "And why should I do anything you want me to do? Considering the fact that you just called me a freak show I have no intention of helping you what so ever, good day to you." I said turning back to my book. She grabbed it and closed it shut. I glared at her "What do you want Tiana?" I said spitting her name out like it was poison. "I was just gonna say the if you could tell me how to land a hot guy like your friend Derick, then I would leave you alone." She said. At that Hailey snickered, earning a glare from Tiana. "Sorry but Derik isn't someone that likes the typical blonde haired and blue eyed brat. He usually goes for people who are more out of the ordinary." I said grabbing my book from her, "Again good day to you." I said waving her off. She gave me a disgusted glare and walked off cursing under her breath. "That girl needs to take a chill pill." Hailey said. I laughed and got up, hearing the bell dismissing us to our classes. "I don't know how you deal with her," Hailey said. I shook my head in response, honestly I didn't even know how I've dealt with her, I just do. "C'mon lets go to class before Mr. Trumpbell gets mad at us." I said grabbing Hailey's hand.


"Ok class today we will be learning about cells, specifically the Nucleolus," Mr. Trumpbell droned. I felt someone staring at me, I turned around and there he was. A tall boy with dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. I gave him a weird look and turned back around. I still couldn't shake the feeling of him staring at me. I ignored it and waited until class was finally over.

The bell finally rang and I rushed out of the room. I started walking to my next class and a strong sense of uneasiness washed over me. I turned around and saw the boy. I walked faster knowing that everyone else was probably in their classes since the hall way was completely empty. I felt cool hands wrap around my waist and I was slammed into a locker. My eyes were met with his emerald green ones. "What do you want from me?" I asked. Instead of answering my question he asked one of his own, "You're like me aren't you?". I was taken aback by his question and I looked deeper into his eyes. They were tired and stressed, much like my own. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I said hiding the fear in my voice. He looked at me and I swear if looks could kill I would be 600 feet under. "I think you do," He said. "What's going on here?" A loud voice boomed through the hallway. I turned to see the principal striding down the hall. I looked back and saw that the boy had vanished. "I am so sorry Mrs. Charles it won't happen again," I said pushing myself off the locker. "It'd better not Olivia," She said. Gosh why does my aunt have to be the principal of this school. I walked to my next class and sat down. I felt eyes on the back of my head. I turned around and there he was. Oh my lord.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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