Darke High where your darkest imaginings are true Chapter 1:New School

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Darke High

Chapter 1: New School

I'm the new girl in town and yet I know more about this town than the locals. I may look like a normal 13 year old but I'm not. I've seen things that no one should ever see, I know things no one would ever want to know and I'm here on a mission no one else would take. I'm here to get close to the people of the underground translation 'the Supernatural'. I know what you're thinking that this is not real but has it ever been proven that there weren't such things. People believe in ghosts you can see video clips of them on YouTube, so why can't vampires, werewolves, witches, fairies etc be real. It never been proven that they weren't. I'm here at Darke High where all the supernatural attend and nobody knows it but the supernatural and a few select people like me. I'm standing outside the black, cold steel gates and I can sense them inside. They are all calm not expecting anything to happen but this year it will be different, I will be there and the will never know how powerful I am. I step through the open gates and walk up the pathway by myself. I enter the office area through a wooden door; I look around and think 'the door would make a great stake'. I walk up to the secretary and wait for her to notice me. After a little while she looks up at me expectantly like she's waiting for me to talk. I wait for her to talk first, always a good idea to make the elders of the school think you're shy you never get in trouble and I'm speaking from experience here, you suck up to the teachers look shy, try really hard in class and then if someone dobs on you, you just look all betrayed and hurt like they're lying, it works every single time.

"Um, yes?' she asked

"Well, umm, I'm the new girl" I said shyly

"Oh you must be Roseabella Arietta"

"Yes that's me"

"Come this way dear I will show you to your first class. Oh and here's your timetable"

"Thank you" I said sweetly

We walked down the hall; it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I have never been in a hall so quiet, it was very eerie. She turned into another hall and there we found two boys about to have a fist fight. Students were surrounding them cheering fight, fight, fight. I had a little of this from the end of the hall but by the time we actually reached them it was like thunder rolling in one big wave and never stopping. They were just about to hit each other, I wanted to join the people surrounding the circle and scream fight with them but that would blow my perfect cover so I just stood there like a shy girl.

"Stop" the secretary demanded "Where is you teacher?"

The class spilt and on the floor was a teacher. He was just lying there out cold, dead to the world. He should have been able to take the school boys, he wasn't human after all. I looked at him thinking 'who did this?'

"Valentine" the secretary called "Did you do this?"

"Yes maim" one of the boys who had been fighting said

Well that answered my question. I wonder if he always did this. I looked at him closely. Oh, no wonder the teacher was knocked out cold. I can't believe it my project has already started, I haven't even been in the school for five minutes. I was hoping I wouldn't have to see him until like lunch or something so I could at least enjoy some school. I guess wishes never come true. I looked at him and he smiled mischievously at me. I looked away like a shy little girl encouraging him.

"Mr Blake" she said

She was about to go on but Mr Blake interrupted "Miss Hodgepodge why did you use my first name?"

"My name isn't Miss Hodgepodge its Miss Laurette, and Mr Blake we don't like using last names unless we have to. Last names are too formal for this school" I nearly snorted at that, to formal. Gee gal you're calling the kids Mr and Miss, using their last name wouldn't make anything more formal, "and since Mr Blake you have been so kind to 'knock out' this lovely teacher, you shall now have to give Roseabella a tour of the whole school. I think the person is called a tour guide"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2010 ⏰

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Darke High where your darkest imaginings are true Chapter 1:New SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now