Chapter 13

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Look at that cutie :D I went to the zoo last Sunday and at first they weren't out (it was a very rainy day) but later we went back and I saw this cutie. And I love the picture, so I wanted to share it (: now enjoy the chapter ^.^

Valeria and Ashton tried to escape the people that had descended the stairs, but for a second, they both lost direction and now they were following the red arrows again, trying to avoid walking into the other people down here.

But no such luck as they rounded a corner and heard someone say "did you see that?". Both widened their eyes and started running, Valeria desperately trying to keep track of the red arrows. But they had faded by time and she hadn't taken it upon her yet to redraw them.

They were hurrying, Valeria suddenly turning left while Ashton didn't notice, making her turn back and hiss at the Alpha to get the fuck back. He huffed, but jogged back. Just as he wanted to follow her down the new hallway, two people rounded a corner in front of them (how they got there, no idea) and spotted them. "Hey!"

Valeria's eyes widened, making her push Ashton in the right direction and running that way, this time following the yellow arrows. If the emergency exit was out of question, then they had to take upstairs. And honestly, Valeria knew all the turns and corners, so it shouldn't be that hard to lose these two.

"You said not to go upstairs!" Ashton hissed as he noticed they were following the yellow arrows. They were both hurrying through the hallways, approaching a pair of stairs already. "I know," Valeria said between pants, "but extreme situations need extreme measurements. And trust me, I know upstairs. We have a better chance at losing them and getting out safely."

Ashton didn't say anything else, simply taking two stairs at a time, just like Valeria, and following her out into a hallway upstairs. It was a big one, with a shiny marble tiled floor and light painted walls. There was minimum decoration, but everything just screamed 'money'. Just like the house itself had done.

"Be quiet and follow me." Valeria mumbled, darting to the end of the hallway and maneuvering the two of them through countless rooms, hallways etcetera. Ashton had already lost any sense of direction when they were in the third hallway, his mind spinning at all the shiny objects. He didn't feel at home at all and he just wanted to get away. "Are we near an exit yet?"

"Almost. We just have to-"

"This way!"

Valeria groaned, taking Ashton's wrist and letting her eyes widen lightly as she spotted the dining room. She knew nobody would look in there, because after all, it was right inbetween lunch and dinner and so it should be empty. Maybe a cleaner would be in it, but they'd never say a thing.

But much to her dismay, as she threw the large double doors open and pulled Ashton inside, she revealed herself to the three people she had hoped to never see again. "Shit."

It took a moment of staring, before a woman rose from her seat and scolded Valeria. "Watch your language young lady."

"I don't give anything about what you say. I'm legal to live on my own and live by my own rules." Valeria shot back. Ashton stood beside her awkwardly, though tried not to let it show as he made himself a little taller by straightening his back.

"Young lady! Y-"

"Ma'm, it's no use arguing. We've all tried it countless times." A younger male with dark blue eyes spoke politely, making Valeria snort. "Cut the shit Evan and stop sucking up to my parents. It won't get you anywhere with me."

"Oh, but dear Valeria, you're here now, aren't you? And we're not letting you leave." The boy spoke, making Ashton narrow his eyes and push the blonde girl behind him slightly. The dark blue eyed boy simply scoffed, raising an eyebrow lightly. "And that mutt is surely not stopping anyone."

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