How you sleep together (H)

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Hello my lovely meme children, today I am making a chapter that...yeah, idk. It is not perverted; it's just your sleeping positions. Farewell, Lord Reader.


Aqualad would typically spoon you and you would spoon the dog because you couldn't spoon the goldfish.

Kid Flash:

Your boobs would reside at KF's face as he grabbed your waist, and you would lean over his head slightly. (this does not sound comfortable to me)


You and Dick would face each other. He would caress your thigh and kiss you to sleep.


Connor's arm, annoyingly enough, always seemed to smack you in the face. You slept still and straight, but Connor would not stop turning in his sleep.


Bart moved a lot, but the problem was that you did too. You would often wrap your leg around him and kick him.


Garfield was usually on bottom, as you had the strange urge to sleep on top of him like a cat.

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