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"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the brand new CEO of Benson Industries, my son and one hell of a man, Mr. Cole Benson."

The man who was about to become my new boss stepped up to the podium. "Thank you, Dad, and congratulations on your retirement." He smiled at his father, and then he turned toward the crowd of employees who had gathered in the lecture room. "I'm thrilled to take over the role of CEO from my father, who built Benson Industries on a dime and a dream, as he always says. Together, we will continue to drive products from design to market."

He started outlining some four-point plan, but my mind drifted. I couldn't help it.

I'd never met Cole in person. He'd been running the New York office, but he was relocating to Los Angeles to take on his new role.

I was sad to see Jack retire. He'd been a fair and kind boss, really like a second father to me. But as sad as I was to see him go, looking at his son was certainly much better than dear old dad.

I was sitting near the back of the lecture room, so my view was partially obstructed. I couldn't wait to get a good, clean look at him. I knew he was attractive—I'd been in the office as his father Skyped him, and I'd spoken to him on the phone several times.

I thought back to just about a month earlier when Jack had shown me some photos from a family trip to Hawaii. Cole Benson wearing just swim trunks had taken my breath away. The man was chiseled everywhere, and I just wished I'd had the chance to forward a picture to myself so I could really give it a good inspection. I Facebook stalked him—justifying my actions in my mind with the fact that he was my boss's son—but all his public photos were from business events.

I didn't know what to expect other than the daily temptation I'd face working for a man whose face rivaled a model and whose body rivaled a Greek god.

After Cole's speech ended and I realized that I hadn't heard a word aside from his first three sentences, I returned to my desk with the hope I'd meet the man I'd be assistant to. Unfortunately, though, Jack ushered him out to lunch to introduce him to some clients, and they didn't return by the time the clock struck five.

I glanced at my husband as the alarm clock sounded the next morning. He was snoring away. I couldn't help the feeling of resentment that came with the fact that he'd gotten home after I'd already gone to bed the night before. Sometimes I felt like he loved his job more than me.

I shook it off. Non-communication with John was nothing new, but what awaited me at work that morning was. I wanted to make the very best impression I could on Cole, so I woke up early and put a little extra effort into my morning routine.

I chose a professional fitted navy shift dress and matching heels. I dried and straightened my hair and polished off the look with a chunky necklace and matching earrings. I felt pretty and ready to meet my new boss.

Until I stepped outside.

Cole's first official day was a rare rainy Tuesday morning in LA.

I cursed the rain that turned my sleek hair into a frizzy mess. I ran across the apartment parking lot to our assigned space that was nowhere near where we lived as I wished for the umbrella that was stored in—you guessed it—my car.

I barely sidestepped a muddy puddle and patted down my hair. Normally, the apartment I shared with John was only a ten minute drive from work, fifteen if there was traffic. Unfortunately, though, with rain came accidents. So my fifteen minute drive turned into thirty.

It was five after nine when I finally arrived at my desk.

The man I'd drooled over in photos towered imposingly over my desk. Irritation glazed his handsome face as he turned toward me, and I froze for one brief moment as our eyes met.

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