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Dear ________,

You used to call me your 'girlfriend', but I don't remember agreeing to that.

I was obsessed, and you were petty about it.

You didn't even like me. I was a back-up for when all else failed.

I didn't really know you, just liked you from afar. And you took advantage of that. You used me to look cool, and by the end of the year, I was nothing to you. Why would you do that? What did I do wrong? Was I too ugly? Not funny enough? Too shy?

I remember speaking to you. At least once a week, I would call you and we would talk. Now I realize that I was the one who did the talking, not you. You sat there and listened to me babble like an idiot, thinking you liked me back. Boy, was I wrong.

My friends and I spent all our time talking about you and your friends. All of that year was wasted because of that. I didn't know most things about my friends. I didn't know simple things, like what their favorite color was. Or complex things like how many siblings they have, and what they like to do in their spare time.

Since our siblings are close, I still see you around. But it's like I don't exist. You stand there on your phone, ignoring my presence. We were young when we 'liked each other', why haven't you gotten over it? And if you have, can you at least talk to me?

So tell me, _________, why don't you talk to me? Or at least acknowledge my presence? It might be awkward, but it can't be more awkward than it already is.

-The Back-Up

Dear ___________,Where stories live. Discover now