Chapter 19

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"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Just... still confused." Michael mumbled, twirling some of his hair around his fingers, making Calum hum, before nudging his nose against the younger's. "I can imagine, with the way it's going."

Michael sighed quietly, shrugging lightly. "Just a few weeks more and it might be completely white-ish. I feel like I'm old."

Calum chuckled, before seeing the sudden horrified look on Michael's face. "What? What's wrong?"

"What if that's it?" Michael whispered, his eyes wide and sad. "What if it's turning white because the silver made my body age? What if I die when it's all white?"

Calum frowned, but pulled the boy even closer. "You're not going to die. You may look pale, but you're not paler than before. You also don't have wrinkles and there is nothing but the hair that indicates you could have gotten older, right?"

The younger one sighed quietly, shaking his head. "I guess not. I'm sorry I overreacted."

Calum simply smiled, leaning in and tilting his head a little to press a kiss to Michael's lips. "You're gonna be just fine. Plus, now your hair is white, you can easily dye it black if you want to."

Michael's eyes lit up a little, a smile slowly spreading on his face. "I could also dye it other colours than black, right?"

The Beta looked at him curiously, but shrugged. "Of course."

Michael grinned, moving as close as he could and burying his head in the Beta's neck. His speech was muffled, hot breath hitting Calum's neck and almost making him shiver at the feeling. "We should go out to buy some sometime soon."

Calum blinked a few times, but then smiled, pressing a kiss to the younger one's head. "Sure."

It was silent for a bit then, them both just lying there. Michael was hidden in the Beta's arms, his face in the other's neck and soft breaths escaping him as he listened to the other's slow breathing. Calum was smiling, his eyes closed and his whole being just enjoying the moment. From how the small boy fit in his arms so well, to how calm the situation made him. He felt so at peace.

They might have fallen asleep like that even, who knows. They didn't even know what time it was anyway, until they woke up to some bird squeaking loudly at Calum's window. It made both groan and snuggle even closer, a soft chuckle escaping Calum as Michael seemed to be uncomfortable in every way, but didn't let go.

"If you're uncomfortable," Calum started, his voice low and scratchy, making him clear his throat before continuing, "you can let go. I won't like you any less."

Michael huffed, pulling his face back to look at the Beta sleepily. "Wanna be close."

Calum almost cooed at how adorable Michael looked, his hair all messy from sleep, eyes half closed and shining with fatigue as his pink lips were slightly parted. "Let's make that work then."

The Beta turned to lie on his back, pulling the younger boy on himself, chuckling at the way Michael squeaked in surprise. "There."

Michael struggled a little, looking up at Calum with a small pout. "Am I not crushing you?"

Calum huffed, pecking the other's lips. "You would never."

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