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I opened my eyes groggily and saw a seep of light coming through the gaps of my den. I wriggled out and noticed, it was morning. That meant school! I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then splashed some water on my pale face. I stopped in my tracks and peaked in to see if dad was home. There was no sigh of him, I checked in the living room and kitchen and even outside.
I bumped into Mrs Haley on my way back in,

"Ella dear? Getting ready for school , sugar?" She smiled warmly at me, her elderly wrinkles showing up even more,
"Yeah, have you seen my dad by any chance?" I though I'd asked before going. She cocked her head to the side in confusion,
"Your daddy? Hmm have I seen Mr Lee, no I'm sorry sugarplum," she sadly shook her head and tapped my shoulder,
"Ok then, thanks anyway Mrs Haley," I grinned and ran back to our apartment.

I pulled out my black oversized hoodie and some leggings. I brushed my medium length hair with my fingers, it was naturally straight so a brush wasn't necessary. I tucked my bangs to a side and picked up my ratty looking backpack we picked up in a second hand shop, it was grey fabric one, I had to patch the holes up. I skipped breakfast yet again and picked up our keys to lock the front door. I literally ran to school after noticing I was late, again.


I caught my breath at the front gates. I watched as everyone started to flood in. I sighed in frustration, how I despised school as much as home.

I went to my locker and pulled out my maths and science text books. Before I could close it a hand slammed it shut,
" Well well, someone's late again, how are we today Miss Ella?" Jason smirked and his group of friends laughed with him at his command.

Jason William, schools 'bad boy?' 'Romeo' and heartthrob? A guy all girls died and fought for, one even all the guys wanted to be friends with. No one wanted to be on their bad side. I guess it's too late me.
He is known for being one big time player! And I mean big time player. All the girls he ever dated? He spends a night with them and then dumps their sorry butt.

He tried it on me last term, I turned him down, apparently everyone thought I was crazy! And he 'never' gets rejected. He's been targeting me ever since. Even his group of fangirls go after me sometimes. I've been declared the most hated person in school most likely.

"Jason..." I whisper, hugging my books close to my chest, he looks down and grins. I can't say he isn't handsome that would be lying. But he is kind of cute, I give him that. He had messy jet black hair and green mystical eyes. When he smiles he has deep cute dimples. I can see why girls swoon over him. But I don't want any sort of relationship, I have trouble speaking or being near people, males especially.

"Come on, how much you got on you?" His smile fades, my heart stops.

"What? Why do you-" before I can finish he pulls my wrist so that my face comes inches way from his,
"Don't use that shit, me and the guys want some drinks and we're broke, so how much you got," I instantly think about the 5 dollars I just have to buy my dad some beer or cigarettes with, I hid it down my sweater as I had no pockets and was quite cautious.

"I haven't got any money," I lied, whimper as my voice trails away. He releases me and I fall down on the floor. He nods to two guys behind him. Before I know it, I'm being dragged outside around the corner of school. It's a shit area and a shit school so no one stops to help.

He brings me to what looks like an alley way. These two guys dump me on the floor and I pull my bag towards me.
"Ella Ella Ella," he Tuts at me,

"how many times do I have to tell you, don't lie with me," he pulls me up and pushes me against the wall, I'm getting half strangled and straining by his hold. Some other two start tipping my bag upside down and start searching through it. After realising I have nothing they step back looking at Jason. I pant and look at him directly in the eye. I pray he doesn't find it, I'm guessing he won't anyway, it's down my bra, a place no one will think of, I think.
Like an idiot I am I look at my shirt downwards. He looks down at my body and then smirks,
"We are clever aren't we? This is going to be a fun search," he grins and pins me down on the floor,

"Hold her damn legs!" Two guys grip my thin legs and he pins my arms over my head, while hovering over my body. I cry and struggle,
"Jason!! Let me go!! SOMEONE HEL-" he covers my mouth,

"Make one more sound b*tch, and I swear I will instantly kill you!" He threatens. Another gags my mouth and I have no choice but to lay there on the floor. His hands pinning mine down, his friends holding down my legs and I sob loudly as I watch him force my sweater off,

"Please stop!! I beg you! Fine, I'll I've you the money just stop!" I shake my head from side to side and try to pull away but in too weak and his built body had a firm hold on me.
"It's too late for that, now you know, don't lie with me Ell," he had a smirk that was full of lust. As soon as my stomach and chest was bare his eyes widened and I could see the look of lust plastered on his face. My chest heaved heavily. I winced as I felt his hand tighten around the scar on my arm. I watched as he scanned my body up and down, before I could try and struggle again,

"HEY! You hooligans!! STOP RIGHT THERE!" I thanked the Lord silently in my prayers in my head, thankful someone was gonna stop them.

"Quick Jason! Hurry let's leave her!" One of them picked up the 5 dollars from the floor and I watched as he looked at me doubtfully in the eyes and hurriedly fled. I turned to my bruised side and pulled my hoodie to my body, crying like I was about to throw up.

➖Bad Boy's Game ➖ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now