+ do something new (i got sick/ had to stay home, so i got bored and decided to go vegan, weird right?)
+ paint your nails
+ make a face mask (I'll post a recipe)
+ bake (I'll post some recipes)
+ call a friend
+ find new music
+ learn an instrument
+ watch Netflix/ hulu
+ build a fort
+ make something
+ clean
+ go on quotev.com or buzz feed and take a quiz
+ film yourself doing something (talking, singing, etc)
+ make a list of things you like
+ take a bath with coconut oil, apple cider vinegar (resets PH smells), bath bombs, etc
+ play around with makeup and make a new look
+ invite someone over and have a dance party or just dance alone
+ workout (do some squats and make people wish they had a cute butt like yours)
+ sing in the mirror as loud as you can because you can
self love tips
De Todotips on how to see the beauty that others have seen but you may have never noticed :)