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  It had a dark and horrific vibe to it and I'd always find myself staring at it, but that night...oh that night. I couldnt take it anymore,  the curiosity was eating me inside out. That night is forever stored in my memory, even though I was just a child I remember it vividly.

  It was past my bedtime, and there was a strange chill in the air. I silently got out of bed being extra careful not to make a sound, I tip toed to my bedroom door and opened it slowly. Taking a peek outside just to make sure my mother was nowhere near. I quickly walked to the stairs that led to the attic, it was that door. The one door in the whole house were I never felt sure that I was safe, but I had to know what was behind it.
I found myself next to one of the many stained glass windows in the house it looked like my mother had left it open. A stroke of wind had entered, it was icy cold and I could feel it crawling up my spine. At the feeling I closed the window slowly so it wouldnt make a sound. I looked up the stairs in the door's direction, but all I could see was darkness. The dark was thickening it gave me the sense as if I was drowning in it. I took a deep breath and prepared to take my first step up the stairs as I looked at the wood railing and the floral wallpaper, and thats when I heard it. The pitter patter of feet walking on the roof, I dismissed it quickly with the idea that it could be birds. I continued with taking my first silent step, the old floorbaord creaked and I croaked at the thought of alarming my mother, knowing she had fallen asleep. For some unknown reason, she would never let me go near the attic door but I have the tendancy of not following the rules. I cauciously took another step, as I climbed farther and farther into the darkness. The thought turning back crossed my mind many times, but taking action on it was not an option. As I got closer to the door, I got the strange sensation that someone was watching me and the thought took all notion of what was going on. I unconsiously took another step and at the loud creak of the loose floorboard that I had stepped on, I woke up from the trance and my whole body froze out of fear. I was half way up the stairs and I wasn't gonna give up that easily, my fear sunk quickly. Suddenly, a cold breeze reaches my skin, I looked back and saw the window opened. The feeling of someone being in the house besides my mother scared me, but I wasnt going to stop or turn back. My heart beat sped up, I climbed up two more steps and I heard another creak but I didnt cause it. I turned arouned to confront the phantom that caused all my suspitions. It was Jack, my neighbor and closest friend, I signaled for him to come up and to not make a sound. He understood right away, since he and I had tried to do this a numerous amount of times before, we would always get caught. Jack and I tip toed the rest of the way to the door and before we knew it we were right infront of the door. I reached for the door knob, my heart beat was racing. I turned the knob slowly, Jack put his hand on my shoulder as a sign of support since he noticed that I was scared. For as long as I can remember I had been curious about the door. Every night my mother would go inside and I would hear strange sounds, even during the day. I opened the door slightly to peek through the crack, but I coundn't see anything. I threw the door open, and in front of me was a giant window that let the moonlight flow into the room. Suddenly, the sound of shackles rattling filled my ears and slowly a human shaped silhouette arose from the darkness below. I couldnt sense warmth behind me anymore, Jack had left out of fear and I think to myself 'scaredy cat'. Quickly looking back I noticed the figure had disappeared. While resisting the urge to go back, I unconsciously moved deeper inside the attic. The sound of the chains started once again, and this time the sound surrounded me. I closed my eyes tightly out of fear, yet I could feel a presence right infront of me. I slowly opened my eyes, it's it's...me. I felt as if I was looking in a mirror, it had my hair, my rosy complexion, everything, yet the only difference I could find were her eyes. She had my mother's eyes, blue as the sky and gentle like the morning breeze. She slowly moves her hand to my face and caressed it softly, like my mother used to do when I was a child. I dont recall exactly when, but a few years back my mother changed she had stopped doing this and her heart turned cold. She had started acting like my father... As all these thoughts rushed through my mind, I looked into her eyes and I knew... "Mom?" I asked as her eyes watered at the sound of my voice. She embraced me with a strong and loving hug. It was her...it was truly her! I quickly undid the chains, understanding why my 'mother' downstairs was acting so much like my father. It was because she was my father... We rushed to the her bedroom to confront the prentender. Turns out my father had spelled my mother to look like her childself 2 years ago whe she threatened to take me away. He didnt want that to happen, so he pretended to be her by making him look like her. After my actually mother had returned to her adult form, we packed our bags and went to live with my grandmother.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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