Dear Tom

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My dearest Tommy,
I wish I could have watched you grow into the handsome young man you must be now. I know you probably feel I've abandoned you, but that is false. I'm afraid I am part of a world that would have been to dangerous for you. Now you are ten. No doubt you will soon receive your Hogwarts letter and I will finally see you again. You are a wizard Tommy. Your father didn't know until a little while ago but I made him swear not to tell you. I hope you will forgive me. I only wanted to ensure your safety until I was sure I could protect you. Now I must warn you. Don't trust Albus Dumbledore. I will be asking Molly and Lily to pick you up. You can trust them and try to make friends with Harry and all the Weasley kids. I love you and I hope to finally see you again.
Love, Mom
Well here it is. A short chapter but the first of many. Enjoy and prepare for love, tragedy, and the wizarding world. Bless JKR for her beautiful creation that inspired this story. Good-bye for now my readers.

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