if you ever seen the fist rain or the fist thaw of spring you would understand sometimes the magic in nature only last but a few seconds.. as they say mother nature works in different ways, but there is magic in the worlds that stays for as long as the earth has been living even more some people say..
I for one am but a freak of nature I discovered the garden when I was about ten years old when we moved from Arizona to Colorado I remember that we moved to a large house far away from the city I remember it like it was just yesterday..
(seven years before)
as I walked through the house I could hear the squeaking of the ground with every footstep and see some cobwebs here and there I could imagine all my stuff in this room I would soon be calling home.the air was moist,it was fall and night fall was soon to come.it had rained on the ride here the moving truck wouldn't be coming till tomorrow and the only thing to sleep on were the comforters mom and dad brought. as I watched mom and dad put down the comforters I turned around to see the window sill staring out into the open fields with two trees standing side by side I saw something shine in the distance. I was small and stubborn so I went outside to check what it was it when I saw a key dropped on the floor it had a intricate design to it. so I kept it. I went inside to show my mom. she told me to wait as she went digging through her bag and found a small chain to fit me I saw as she put the key in the chain and gave it to me it was now a necklace so I would keep it. I slept that night holding on to that key. the next morning I woke up to the sound of a truck moving outside . it was time to put my stuff in the room I was to sleep in.
-stay kawaii
-Cheshire out