Camp Hookups;)

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//I'm sorry but the first chapters are going to consist of a lot of details and descriptions but they're important for Chapter 4 when the good stuff comes in. Thanks for reading and enjoy! :) \\

"Yes" just the confirmation I needed.
It had been a rough school year and I was ready for camp. I knew this would be the most fun I would have all summer.
Although it was church camp, it was always fun.
The boys were always hot and the girls well, they were always in some drama(excluding me of course)
And there was always someone hooking up, always.

"You ready?, yelled my mom from downstairs.
"Yeah" I yelled back as I zipped my suitcase.

The drive seemed to take forever but we finally arrived at the church.
It was nice seeing familiar faces again. And one in particular.

I spotted my best friend Steven as I walked into the last part of registration.

"Hey" he said in a welcoming voice.
I blushed and chocked out a shy "Hello"
I don't know why it was so weird being that I've known him for three years but I've had a slight crush on him since the day we met.
We text and FaceTime from time to time during the school year but no real face to face meetings until time for camp.
I finished at his station and walked outside.

There I spotted my crush from last year, Josh Lee. He was really hot with the abs of a Greek God.

He smiled when he saw me as if he were excited to see me but me being my awkward self I blushed, shied away and made no eye contact whatsoever.

It was time to load the bus an low and behold guess whose on my bus?

All of the hot guys. Is this heaven or what?
We arrived at the camp center and received our cabin assignments.

I was in a cabin with Rayne and Talia and some other girl. We only had one counselor meaning we could probably talk her into letting us go into the boys cabins at night after the deans were sleep.

Each group consisted of a boys cabin and a girls cabin.
We all walked across to the boys cabin. Our boys cabin consisted of Andrew, Josè , Carlon, and Devin. Andrew was tall, hot, and he played basketball. Devin well, he wasn't coming to camp until Tuesday but he was really cute, played basketball, and was also very conceited but I couldn't blame him.
The other two boys, well they weren't hot so they don't deserve a huge description.
We all became acquainted and started towards the mess hall.
There I saw my crush and what group he was in. He was in the group with Steven
Steven then walked over to me and slipped me a small piece of paper.
"Give this to Talour" he whispered in my ear.
I flinched because I hate when people talk in my ear. It tickles.
So much for that being a romantic note for me, I frowned. Talour is my cousin. She came to camp with me the first year that being the summer before 8th grade.
"Sure" I replied.
I opened it and read it. The paper contained his number along with a heart.
It was sweet. Steven was like a really nice funny guy. But he was also a huge horn ball and somewhat of a comical asshole.

This boy was sitting next to Steven. He was kinda cute but he was staring at me and it was getting pretty weird. But as I say, if you're cute you can stare.

Later that night after hanging with our groups it was time for showers.
Time to flirt. The bathhouse was huge and it gave people a nice window of time to hangout and get "aquatinted".

I saw Josh. Good thing we got there early and took our showers so I smelled nice and was wearing a tank top and some short shorts to show off my legs since I'm a dancer. I mean why not flaunt it?

He called my name and I walked over to him.

"Hey!" I said as I approached him.
"What's up?" He said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me in close.
We walked passed the cabin and down the hill.
We started to talk and catch up.

Then, one of the girls in my cabin called his name.
It was the ugly one. I knew she liked him and disliked the fact that he liked me and wanted me not her

"Why is she calling me? She knows what I'm trying to get done." He says to me
I laugh and start to blush.
"And what is it exactly that you're trying to get done?" I said smirking at him.
"You don't need to worry about that yet." He whispers in my ear.

Josh walks away to go entertain her. I'm not jealous she isn't even the slightest bit of competition.

Suddenly, Steven walks up and grabs me. I get scared only because it's pitch black dark outside and Josh was the one with the flashlight.

"Hey!" He says
"Hey Steven" I reply. "I sent a picture of that paper to Talour, she said she'll text you later"
"Alright cool, but somebody wants the plug with you. " he says smiling devilishly.
"Who might that be?" I say.
"My cousin" he replies
"I still don't know who you're talking about. " I say laughing
"You'll see" he says smirking
"You're really irritating" I say frowning
He smiles as he walks away.

I then find Rayne and Talia and we turn in for the night.

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