More Than Friends (A CM Punk love story)

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Hi! TaintedChaotics here to bring you the very first chapter to our very first book! Hope you enjoy!





JUNE 17, 2006

"So that's it? You're leaving?" I said, staring at the frantically moving man in front of me. "Phil?" I said trying to get his attention.

"What, woman?" He said, looking up at me.

"Did you hear me at all?" I asked, folding my arms. He dropped his bag and sighed. "I thought we were going to do this together?" I asked quietly. He walked towards me, running a hand through his long black hair.

"El, this is the WWE. This is the big leagues of wrestling. I couldn't pass this up." He said, grabbing me by my arms.

"Not even for me?" I said in a hurt tone. He looked away.

"This is different." I chuckled and moved away from him.

"This is different? Are you that selfish, Phil?" I asked.

"You don't understand."

"No, you don't understand! We promised each other two years ago that we would do this together!" I yelled.

"That was then, Elsie. Things change." He said. I grew silent. He looked back at the clock and back to me. "I have to go." He leaned over to kiss my cheek and I moved. He chuckled and shook his head. Phil walked over to the door. "I'll keep in touch. Promise" I didn't bother looking at him. I heard the door open then close and just like that, my best friend was gone. The depressing part was he never kept in touch. No emails, no calls, no texts...nothing.



November 18, 2013: Raw Country

"Okay, so the locker room area is over there, the catering are is over there, the training room is in that direction, and Brad's office is down that hall. Anything else?" I shook my head, looking around. "Good. You don't have a match tonight so my job is done here." April turned around away and skipped off.

"Thanks!" I yelled after her.

"Welcome!" She vanished around the corner. I sighed and turned towards the woman's locker room. I took my phone out and checked my messages. Halfway down the hall, I ran into someone. I fell and my phone shattered on the concrete floor.

"Shit..." I mumbled. I grabbed my phone, looking at the cracked screen. Great, just my damn luck. A tanned hand reached out towards me and I looked up to who it belonged to. Randy Orton. I took it and he pulled me up.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, my phone isn't. Thanks for asking." I looked at my phone again and sighed.

"You must be the new Diva everyone is talking about. What's your name?" I looked back to Randy.

"Elsie Rose."

"Cute name, Elsie." I blushed slightly and mumbled a thanks. I walked pass him, continuing on my route. "So," He said loud, catching up to me. "Where are you from?" He asked me.

"Chicago." I looked up at him, stopping at the women's locker room. "It was nice meeting you, Randal. I'll catch up to you later." He tossed his title onto his shoulder and smirked. "I hope so. I'll buy you a new phone just because I destroyed the other one." I nodded and went into the girls locker room. No one was there, but the telivision was on. They were all in the ring playing musical chairs. Geesh, is this what the divison has come to? I put my things in an empty corner and sat down on one of the couches.

Slowly, the match combusted into a brawl in which the Total Divas were standing victorious. I sighed and got up, heading towards to catering area. I put my beats on my ears and turned my music up. Once again, I ran into someone, my beats fell off my head and I started to fall...until that person caught me. "Watch where you're going, okay?" A too familiar voice said as I was lifted back to my feet.

"Yeah, I'll make sure of it." I finally got a look at the person who caught me. "Phil!?" I said in a surprised tone. He looked at me.

"Elsie!?" He yelled and hugged me tightly. "What the fuck are you doing here!?" He asked.

"I got signed to the WWE." He looked back at me.

"Sweet! Welcome to the company." He said, pulling back to stare at me. "I really missed you." I pushed away from him.

"Well, you promised to keep in touch 7 years ago and you didn't. You didn't miss me too much." He sighed. "Some best friend you are." I said while walking towards catering.

"El, I'm sorry." He said jogging next to me. "Let me make it up to you?" I saw Randy walking into to catering.

"Randal, wait up!" I said, jogging after him. Randy turned to my direction and grinned. He then looked passed me and smirked.

"Hey, Elsie." he said while smiling. I looked back at Phil. The expression on his face was unreadable, but he stared at me. I shook my head and walked into catering with Randy.


We hope you liked this first chapter! If you could be so kind and leave a comment and/or vote we would be so happy. Anyways!



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2013 ⏰

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