Monster Inside of me (thanks for 400 views)

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"What do you mean by I did something bad?" He replays with "I can'" he puts his head in his hands and I could tell he did something bad and I had a bad feeling about it. "BUDO TELL ME WHAT DID YOU DO I LOVE YOU I KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG TELL ME?!" He walks out of the room with a blank face on I start to wonder what happened
budo pov:
I could not stand her yelling she seemed like she was going to cry as she was yelling I could not live with myself if I would ever make her cry I love her to much to do that but I could not tell her she might not love me anymore I went outside by the track and sat down and started to tear up I say to myself
"Why...why did you do that you could of let it go I thought I wanted to protect people not kill them but...I-it felt...good I liked killing him what does that mean am I a yandere?"  
Anayos pov:
I looked out the window and saw budo outside laughing evilly ran outside but sneaked  and him yelling "IM A YANDERE!!!!" I ran away and he saw me and fallowed me and him saying "stop running away from me!" I yell "you killed him didn't monster I can't  believe that I love you!"  He stops and get on his knees and says to himself "I'm an monster what happens to me I can't live with myself"

Budo loves me ( Yandere x budo ) Where stories live. Discover now