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Ania Pov:
   Things can happen that you least expect. Things that exsist even if everyone thinks it doesn't. Some type of miracle. It could to be accepted into Yale, work for Walt Disney, have more subcribers than Pewdiepie, or win the lottery. A miracle happens to everyone at some point. I never beleived this, that is until, my family took a trip to Mt. Tobet.
   I was in the car with my mom and my little brother, Carter. We were headed to Mt. Tobet for a 2-day camping trip. My mom really wanted to go there for me, because "Tobet" is an anagram for "Ebott" which just so happens to be the same name for the moutian in a game I really liked, so mom thought it really cool, I didn't think much of it. As I was 16 I stopped beleiving in that kind of magic-excisting-in-the-real-world thing a long time ago.
   I pulled my phone out of my green hoodie and changed the song to Once upon a Time on the Undertale OST. I could hear my 7 year old brother complaining and whining about how long the car ride was taking though my headphones. To be honest I was getting a impatient myself, we've been cooped up this tiny old subaru for almost 9 hours now and we still were not there.
   We turned a corner and there I saw Mt. Tobet. It actually resembled Mt. Ebott almost perfectly, it was quite impressive.
We found our site and we got out the car. As we were unloading I found a lunch I had packed, a Ham and Cheese sandwitch, grapes, cheetos, and a berry flovoured propel.
I asked my mom if I could walk up the East Trail about a mile, which would lead to the top of the mountain and I could eat my lunch and enjoy the view. She approved and I began to make my way up the trail.
Walking down the trail I got chills. And not the kind of chills you get when you see beautiful trees in autumn or when you smell the frest scent of honeysuckle in the spring. The kind of chills you might get when you have serious dejavoo or go to a family reunion. Like I knew where I was going, but I knew I didn't. It was very unsettling and I began walking faster. But when I did all I could here is a bunch of kids' voices saying "Ania" repeatedly. I started full on sprinting and I could almost feel my skin falling off. I couldn't see where I was going and I tripped over a treeroot. Then suddenly I was falling all I could hear was "Ania" and all I could see was complete darkness. Then I lost consciousness.


Hey guys author here! I'm sorry for the short chapter (and cliffhanger) but I promise to have a new chapter up by tomorrow and if not thursday. Thanks for reading fellow sinners!

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