Chapter 1

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I was running through the woods as fast as lightning, seeing the trees wisp by, the wild winds blowing through my fur, sending my spine chills. Yes I am a werewolf, and have been for a while, I’m apart of one of the biggest packs in the world. My dad is the alpha of our pack, and my brother is the next in line. Ever since my mum was taken, my brother, Zach has been way over protective of me. Even if I hang out with boys he goes all defensive towards that guy. Sigh at least I’m not one of those wolves that is desperate for a mate, I really don’t want one, I want to stay wild, young and free! I’ve heard that if your mate dies, it basically kills you, and your wolf disappears if you take it too hard. I really want my mum back, she was my everything, I could always talk to her about even the littlest problems. She was always calm, I can tell that my dad is never going to give up on finding her, and I won’t either.

Nearing the lake, I started to slow from basically sprinting to just a jog. You see in our pack I’m the youngest and fastest wolf that has shifted. I’m only sixteen and a half, you start to shift when your fourteen or fifteen. I shifted when I was fourteen, the adults in our pack have mostly kids that are toddlers. I walked over to the lake to have a drink, while drinking from the lake I was looking at my reflection, I had full back fur with some tints of grey on my paws. Having white fur means that the moon goddess has given me a power, but I wouldn't find out what that is until I get a bit older.

When I finished my drink I was just walking around the lake’s perimeter sniffing in the beautiful scents of the different types of flowers. My brother would kill me if he ever found out that I run here every day without permission from him or dad. I swear that they don't want me to learn things, isn’t there a saying that you learn from your mistakes and like you never know until you try it? Another thing that they’re making me do is go to school! Like what?! School + Me =  disaster bond to happen. I’m going to be going to the same school that Zach goes to it’s a school that was built our and another pack, just for werewolves of course, they would never let me go to a human’s school. I would rather go to a werewolves school then humans, they’re just really delicate. I’ve never had many experiences with humans, the werewolf race is a very large race, even my new teachers are werewolves.  

I shifted back into human form (In this story when they shift back they’re wearing their that they shifted into) and wondered around the lake for a bit, exploring and smelling my favourite flowers. I fell back on back breathing in a sigh and letting it out, while closing my eyes. I suddenly started to smell an amazing scent that was overwhelming me and reaching to grab me. I mind linked my wolf and asked her for help she replied with a word that I really did not expect that it would happen so quickly. It's such a rush, I really don’t want one, so I decided the best thing for me to do was to get away from them. Crouching down I shifted into my wolf and did the best thing for me was to run like the wind. I could bearly think straight, I was bashing and pushing through and into bushes that were surrounding me. My wolf was trying to fight me to go back, but I blocked her out, I don’t need any distractions, all I need is to get out of this situation. And right now I could feel myself slowing down for some reason, maybe the moon goddess is making me meet him, this is horrible so I basically pushed through whatever was making me slow down and I absolutely sprinted my hear out to get to the pack house, also known as my home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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