1; bye bye now

13 1 0

Amelia's POV

"Give me the professors names and I will end them." Simon says when Clary walks through the door, earning weird looks from me and Clary

"Y-You know, with a scathing email to the dean." Simon corrects himself

"Well, I wouldn't need a computer to end them, just a couple knives." I say causing a snicker from Clary as she looks between us

"Lia loves me more, but don't bother." She said, putting an envelope in front of us. In big read print, it read congratulations.

"Clary I swear." I say giggling before throwing my arms around her neck.

"Y'know, it's funny, they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel!" She exclaimed happily and sat down

As Clary sits down, my phone rings, signaling a text. I look down to see its from Jocelyn.

"Ooh, sorry guys, I gotta go. See you later though!" I say as I grab my bag

"Okay, but you're singing tonight!" Clary yells at me, she always tries to make me sing with Simon and.... Macy? I don't know her like, at all.

"Not!" I yell, then close the door of the small cafe

As I walk through the crowds of mundanes, I see two circle members walking down the street. I jump into an alley, and grab my stele. After drawing myself a glamour, I grab my seraph blade. I see the guys walk by, but they don't stop. I wait about five minutes, before I take off running at an enhanced speed due to my runes.

Arriving at Jocelyn's, I see Clary opening a gift from Dot. I walk by, giving Dot a nod hello as I pass her. I run up the stairs to see Jocelyn sitting on the couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly, causing her to turn her head towards me.

"I think I'm gonna tell her. It's her 18th birthday and I-I feel like she should know." She says, looking guilty

"Whatever you think is best Jocelyn. It's entirely up to-" I start, but am quickly cut off by Clary walking in the room.

"You got in!" Her mother exclaims and runs toward her

"I'll give you two some alone time. I'll meet you guys at Simons show Clary." I say as I walk out

"I can't believe you didn't sing!" Clary yells at me

At the moment, we are sitting atop Simons van. Clary and Simon are yelling at me, whilst Maureen, I really gotta remember that, is just looking at Simon.

"Fine! You're so upset! Simon give me a tune!" I yell

I sing My Youth by Troye Sivan, while Clary and Maureen beat on the roof of the van. While we're singing, I notice a blonde guy on the roof of a nearby building. Once I finish singing, they all clap.

"Whatever. Clary. Lets just fix Simons van!" I say, hopping down

"What name this time?" Clary says, picking up the spray paint that Luke bought her

"ROCK SOLID PANDA!" Simon shouts, causing me to face palm

"Rock Solid Panda coming right up! I'm feeling inspired!" Clary says, walking around the corner of the van. I follow her, just in time to see her paint the angelic rune. I take a deep gulp of air.

"What's that tag?" Maureen asks Clary

"Weird. I didn't even mean to draw that. It's the second time today." She said, causing me to tune everything else out.

Shit. The protections are wearing off. I have to watch get really careful tonight.

"Hey can you watch where you're going?" Are the words that break me from my trance. I look over to see Clary talking to the shadowhunter from earlier.

"You can see me?" He says, and then he looks at me

I give him a venomous glare. When he looks confused, I lift up my sleeve slightly, revealing the top of one of my runes. His eyes widen, and someone calls out to him from the club.

"Jace!" The voice calls

Jace. This must be Jace Wayland. Best shadowhunter of his generation my ass.

He walks away, giving both me and Clary one last look.

"Can you guys believe that blond guy?!" Clary asks walking back over to the group

"You mean the imaginary dude you were talking to?" Simon asks looking confused

"No the blonde guy over there running into the club. The guy covered in tats." Clary replies looking at Jace's retreating figure

"Clary what was in your latte?" Maureen asks

"Probably nothing! She should just sleep it off!" I say, slightly panicking when Clary takes off her jacket

"What are you doing?!" I say to Clary really loud

"Getting some answers." she says running off

"This is gonna be a long night." I sigh, then chase off after her

"Clary! Clary wait up!" I yell as she enters the VIP area

I take off my leather jacket and put on a glamour. I wrap my leather jacket around my waist. I run into the curtain, just in time to see Clary pushing a demon.

"CLARY NO!" I scream

Then everything goes by in a blur, and the next thing I know, I'm diving in front of Clary to block a demon.


She starts to run, but a demon blocks her way. I pick a throwing knife out of my shoe. It hits the demon square in the face, and kills it.

"GO!" I scream, and she runs out the curtain

After the last demon is killed, all three sets of eyes are on me.

"It's the chick that was singing earlier!" A beautiful brunette girl says

"Who the hell are you?!" A black haired guy says

"That's none of you're business so uh, bye bye now!" I yell, then run out the curtain in search of Clary

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2016 ⏰

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